[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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I did scum hunt by calling you since you voting me is weird.

At least I have better read on you now.

I also have good reason change vote from Melontonin to TAC to you and to Melontonin again. Want to me to break it down to you?

I also stated what makes Melontonin sus here to sone players. Fujishiro and Kiwipom but go ahead and ignore that and keep tunneling on me :suresure:
I’m not tunneling, I like my vote where it is because your reaction to it is terrible. (Which is also something we should look into Queen for.)

No. Please don’t break anything down for me. Just quit quoting me :yasu:


I’m not tunneling, I like my vote where it is because your reaction to it is terrible. (Which is also something we should look into Queen for.)

No. Please don’t break anything down for me. Just quit quoting me :yasu:
Was my reaction to Reborn horrible? No Since he stated why did he sus me before voting me but in your case you Didn't state reason to sus me and then voted me put of the blue.
I see I still have 5 votes lol. Like I said, a couple of scums must be in that lineup. Btw, I feel like they are not gonna appear anytime soon just to unvote. So lemme say this, keep an eye on my voters and look into the timing of their so called suspicion on me.
can we play the game now
We are already playng the game but it's surprising that you asked this and yet you did nothing to push forward. That an indicator. -1 point for you.
@Gambit -2 for Zara because he also played dumb when it came to the set up.
I don't understand why TAC is latching on to Zara's comments about the game, not sure how you can use that later in the game to build a read on him.
It stands out to me. Whether or not that and other material accumulates and has me sus Zara depends. I don’t sus him yet but I find that interesting. It could be nothing or it could be something. That’s all.
That's a weak case to bring upon Zara by TAC.
TAC followed up my negative point on Zara for being too concerned about pushing the game forward by deducting -2 points from her for being "so-call dumb about the setup". We call that lowkey sheeping.

Who do you think is more townie in that exchange?
i can see why Gambit considering Tac sheeping.
I think Zara looks more town.
If he was scum he wouldn't be this reckless.
Poison was asking her own question to Neutral.
@Kiwipom this was your case? I don't think him taking others opinion necessarily a bad thing. I have done worse things while scum hunting, i dont think about it this much. I usually act random, on these things. And Gambit actually started the Game with this, before it was only fluff.

Other than Meta, i find this case weak. And he's been honest about Meta when he could have easily lied it, which suggests to me he more likely is townie.

About Gambit, in my first mafia game which is almost a year ago, Gambit was scum and I was a townie. And he built a really long case on me D1 that was opportunistic, and well, I've never played with town Gambit but I'm just looking at the way he is building his case on TAC, it's kinda reminding me of back then.

First, I feel like he started off by going after Poison and TAC.
He asks Poison if her off-handed comment about Ryuk was to try and convince town later:

He also accused her of parroting when she explained what she thought about the game set up.

So you'd think that he doesn't want to hear anyone else's ideas about game set ups or something but then he asks Mel later what she thinks about the set up.....

So that felt a bit weird to me. Moreover, he also went after TAC by saying that he felt like he was pushing a weak case on Zara. I think that's a valid opinion, but what I didn't really like was that he asked what other people thought about the exchange.

The posts that followed that question immediately suggested that people sussed TAC more than Zara.

And immediately afterwards, Gambit casts a vote on TAC.

This is the part that feels unnatural to me. It feels like he asked the question to others to see what other people's opinions are and to test the waters to know what reactions will get once he casts the lynch vote. The reason being, none of those posts raised a point about why Zara is more town than TAC or why they think TAC is more scummy, yet that was enough to be the final straw for Gambit to cast his lynch vote. That's why to me, that question seems more like he is trying to see if town would find him suspicious for voting TAC.

And yes, Mel pointed this out:

So Gambit (who I think was originally planning to leave the vote on TAC and not explain further), comes back with a longer post about why he thinks TAC is scum.

I feel like the order which this case was built doesn't sit very well with me. I remember back in ToS game, Drago who was mafia did something like this too, cast vote then come back later to follow up with a long post that breaks it down just to have his bases covered and make the case look legit.

And then even later Gambit going after TAC just feels more like tunnelling and nitpicking. I'm not gonna quote because this is turning into a wallie that everyone will scroll past but I don't really like Gambit's read progression. It didn't feel natural to me. It feels more like scum looking for a target than town scum hunting.
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oh I forgot

Vote Lynch Gambit @Noctis @Rej
You have assumed few things from linear perspective. If you had not talked bout it matching previous game meta, I would have sussed you strongly for this.
Bt given your last game, i can understand why your thoughts ran in this way, without considering the possibility he might be scum hunting.
Poison acts town but idk her playstyle
I want to look into this more, she's been leaning townie on her at start bt then been one of the highlight users who sussed Poison for Voting Neutral. And there's more on Melon.
Ok I hope this is real. I’m buying it for now. This better not be a big brain mafia move lmao
You are actually passive on Drago, Kiwi. If you don't trust him, take his opinion with grain of salt, bt i see you being passive about it. Plus you acted content about Drago Mason claim at once, no questions asked, am i missing something here?
I can guess who they might be from the anime
Same. I think they’re Crocodile and Mrs. All Sundays :kappa:
I get killed in damn near every game. Claim or no claim. I'm not going to have a fear about it lol.
If that's the case, why not claim completely. It would rest my suspicions to rest @Flower .
Plus Fuji n Kiwi can guess your roles, it's only natural Scum can do the same.

If you are already Scum targets with this hint claim, why not claim it. If we believe you competly we can do something about it. Protect you guys.
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Someone give me filler.


i can see why Gambit considering Tac sheeping.
Poison was asking her own question to Neutral.

@Kiwipom this was your case? I don't think him taking others opinion necessarily a bad thing. I have done worse things while scum hunting, i dont think about it this much. I usually act random, on these things. And Gambit actually started the Game with this, before it was only fluff.

Other than Meta, i find this case weak. And he's been honest about Meta when he could have easily lied it, which suggests to me he more likely is townie.

You have assumed few things from linear perspective. If you had not talked bout it matching previous game meta, I would have sussed you strongly for this.
Bt given your last game, i can understand why your thoughts ran in this way, without considering the possibility he might be scum hunting.

I want to look into this more, she's been leaning townie on her at start bt then been one of the highlight users who sussed Poison for Voting Neutral. And there's more on Melon.
You are actually passive on Drago, Kiwi. If you don't trust him, take his opinion with grain of salt, bt i see you being passive about it. Plus you acted content about Drago Mason claim at once, no questions asked, am i missing something here?

If that's the case, why not claim completely. It would rest my suspicions to rest @Flower .
Plus Fuji n Kiwi can guess your roles, it's only natural Scum can do the same.

If you are already Scum targets with this hint claim, why not claim it. If we believe you competly we can do something about it. Protect you guys.
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Someone give me filler.
If you can give better info then why not. Go on. I want to see if your read change or not.
i can see why Gambit considering Tac sheeping.
Poison was asking her own question to Neutral.

@Kiwipom this was your case? I don't think him taking others opinion necessarily a bad thing. I have done worse things while scum hunting, i dont think about it this much. I usually act random, on these things. And Gambit actually started the Game with this, before it was only fluff.

Other than Meta, i find this case weak. And he's been honest about Meta when he could have easily lied it, which suggests to me he more likely is townie.

You have assumed few things from linear perspective. If you had not talked bout it matching previous game meta, I would have sussed you strongly for this.
Bt given your last game, i can understand why your thoughts ran in this way, without considering the possibility he might be scum hunting.

I want to look into this more, she's been leaning townie on her at start bt then been one of the highlight users who sussed Poison for Voting Neutral. And there's more on Melon.
You are actually passive on Drago, Kiwi. If you don't trust him, take his opinion with grain of salt, bt i see you being passive about it. Plus you acted content about Drago Mason claim at once, no questions asked, am i missing something here?

If that's the case, why not claim completely. It would rest my suspicions to rest @Flower .
Plus Fuji n Kiwi can guess your roles, it's only natural Scum can do the same.

If you are already Scum targets with this hint claim, why not claim it. If we believe you competly we can do something about it. Protect you guys.
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Someone give me filler.
We won't claim anymore. Us confirming each other is enough, as people already said, there is no way we are lying since that would just be dumb. Anymore info about our roles is just free info for scum that we're not willing to provide.
I also want to state that my impression of Poison's vote on you is a little different @NeutralWatcher

This is her first time playing here with a lot of us. If she wanted to use this technique, it wouldn't make sense to have it done at all.

She doesn't know how we react or our level of experience. I don't think she was ever gonna get anything of quality from that vote.

But I missed that she was sussing Nat and Zara from a gut feeling. If she was to randomly put a vote on someone it should have been one of them. That is the only logical reason for putting a random vote like this on a player base that is unknown to you.
This seem reasonable opinion. But this can also be why she stated it outright, it was RVS vote, after admitting she know no meta to make any reads. About going after Neutral instead of em is legit, bt it was also not a serious vote or something.
Will go to sleep tbh. Looking at the list it seems like I can use no meta to make reads.
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That's a RVS vote. It is generally placed on players early on the game with no reasons for seeing their reactions. It is called Random Voting Stage. Although I'm not a fan of RVS myself but I'm trying it out.
I've read a little and started painting a bigger picture

Yo - reminds me of the Yo from last game, the townie yo :catsure:

NW - I don't think his play style is different from the naruto game tho I did kill him night 1 last time huhuhu

Kiwi - her claim as miller seemed like a natural progression. She claimed pretty much as soon as she arrived so for the moment I find her town. And she was the first to counter Gambit's logic.

Fuji - He's leaning town but the man admitted TO PLAYING THE SAME IF HE WAS SCUM C'MON. I'll lean him town cause of gut feeling.
unvote @Noctis @Rej


Reborn - he's looking town but the argument with nat seems stretch. it's fair for her to ask where you were, many players were asked where they are. Timing is irrelevant too, it was in the middle of the game like everyone else. You don't have a special privilege :goatasure:
Tris - giving good reads, for a new player that looks good but I'll keep her in neutral cause she didn't do it proactively.

Nat - I wanna say she was same as last game but I have a hard time reading her.

TAC - he handled Gambit's pressure well, but he was defending himself wayyy too much imo. I've been told you're a very harsh townie player, I wanna see the fireeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

Zara - you're only neutral cause I don't wanna get you lynched day 1. JKJK no I have to say you remind me a lot of last game, but I'll need to see more for my rookie eyes. If it came down to a vote tie between Queen and Cobra, who would you vote for?

Ali - need to see more. @Ali who you wanna put your vote on at the moment?

Gambit - I have to say Kiwi's rationale is something I would have never thought... That's actually an interesting technique and I understand why scum would use it. And his incredible meta change too.

Poison - NW brought up the point about voting for Nat/Zara instead of him. That makes a lot of sense too. Plus I feel she has not contributed in the majority of her posts today.
Her reads are not bad per say. Bt on Tac, i find her reads weird. Almost like what she did last game phase with her scum buddies.
Fake news :catpole:
I called out Poison for her weird vote and came to a different conclusion than yours. I observed her today and she was more into conversing than actually playing the game. And I didn't see a proper explanation for her vote on you IIRC today.
And then for Gambit, yeah I'm ready to admit Kiwi's reasoning is hella convincing. That's what changed it for me. That and the fact that his prying was losing a lot of momentum, especially that slip(?!) about "the most important role" vs "important role". Nah
If it's there than I must have missed it:catpole:let me go through 10 pages to find the quote

If you're talking about this, than that still doesn't answer my initial reason for thinking the vote is weird:

Also NW, please keep using emotes, I will never use that against you :owo:
I think her sus on Poison is legit.

Only thing weird about her is now her role in L claim, and Neutral being Jester.
Jester cause this is a super role madness and it can exist. Plus the dude changed his vote like 5 times for the most bizarre reasons.
I don't understand what you mean by easy mark? I've been questioning NW all game LOL
I do more than you think I am :goatasure:
Changing Votes iz not indication of scum or Jester.
This guilty until proven innocent is not a very good look. Now explain, why am I likely scum?
Still, she didn't deny being Scum but asks why she likely is one.

My case on Melon is weak, so i am not supporting her lynch. Let's see more of her next day phases.
He has made a good observation in his last posts and the day is ending but you don't seem consider that. Your last vote appears to be an attempt to split the ties and you've been swaying votes depending on who currently owns the lead. You sure you're not coasting and wahoning? You're aallnoverthenplace too imo
He has made a good observation in his last posts and the day is ending but you don't seem consider that. Your last vote appears to be an attempt to split the ties and you've been swaying votes depending on who currently owns the lead. You sure you're not coasting and wahoning? You're aallnoverthenplace too imo
Wouldn't a splitting of the votes only save you, though?
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