[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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you make a good case on tris, she is playing different this game. Its like she wanted to purposely avoid the gambit or tac wagons and just burn her vote

curious what you mean by re-reading tac’s posts though. If tac doesnt have a clue who his followers are, then what can be found in his posts?
It's the other way around. He knows who his followers are, but they don't know him. That's the most likely option I believe.

I'm back now. Death Note is fucking goooood. But anyway, let me get to those reads that I promised.
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Do you think they're both town?
It's the other way around. He knows who his followers are, but they don't know him. That's the most likely option I believe.

I'm back now. Death Note is fucking goooood. But anyway, let me get to those reads that I promised.
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Do you think they're both town?


Here's a click link to 2 of Tac's read posts. Isn't it weird how his opinion of Poison changed so much between the two reads? poison went from a town lean to his number 1 suspect in less than 2 hours, seems like he was tryna get an easy mislynch with her?

gambit i think is town for sure, not sure about jew but just wanted to post that gif. my gut though tells me jew is just frustrated at gambit accusing him but i could be wrong of course. he also put Jew in his scum list.

the only time Ive seen a scum tac is when he died in 30 seconds against beta. where does scum tac usually put his teammates in his reads?


Here's a click link to 2 of Tac's read posts. Isn't it weird how his opinion of Poison changed so much between the two reads? poison went from a town lean to his number 1 suspect in less than 2 hours, seems like he was tryna get an easy mislynch with her?

gambit i think is town for sure, not sure about jew but just wanted to post that gif. my gut though tells me jew is just frustrated at gambit accusing him but i could be wrong of course. he also put Jew in his scum list.

the only time Ive seen a scum tac is when he died in 30 seconds against beta. where does scum tac usually put his teammates in his reads?
He's trying to improve his scum game. He'd mix us all up probably.

The little leecher reacted to my early read of Poison - then changed his mind from town to scum on her. Probably because she's town anyway, so he didn't mind placing her as scum? Voted for her, then after Kiwi accused Gambit, moved on to Gambit quickly. I've never seen such a quick flip flop ahaha
He's trying to improve his scum game. He'd mix us all up probably.

The little leecher reacted to my early read of Poison - then changed his mind from town to scum on her. Probably because she's town anyway, so he didn't mind placing her as scum? Voted for her, then after Kiwi accused Gambit, moved on to Gambit quickly. I've never seen such a quick flip flop ahaha
this is also useful info

i also noticed he put fuji at the top of his town reads, and we know fuji got an innocent result. it would be hilarious then if one of the top scum reads were one of his teammates then. it can't be gambit, so that would mean jewboy, rayan and poison

but its probably not poison

so jewboy or rayan?

what do you think
this is also useful info

i also noticed he put fuji at the top of his town reads, and we know fuji got an innocent result. it would be hilarious then if one of the top scum reads were one of his teammates then. it can't be gambit, so that would mean jewboy, rayan and poison

but its probably not poison

so jewboy or rayan?

what do you think
I'm down to either of the two. Look at what jew did just now. Lololol
this is also useful info

i also noticed he put fuji at the top of his town reads, and we know fuji got an innocent result. it would be hilarious then if one of the top scum reads were one of his teammates then. it can't be gambit, so that would mean jewboy, rayan and poison

but its probably not poison

so jewboy or rayan?

what do you think
I don't know. I have difficulty reading Jew and Lanji because they just got here and weren't part of the game until now - so their reactions are fitting to that. But Lanji's reads align better with mine, so I'm inclined to see him more as town. Could be a facade to gain cred - he is capable of it, but for now Jew is more scummy. I mean Melon was already a bit scummy. I need more time on these two.

Rayan looks town to me right now. :kayneshrug:
one scum per colour huh....well the three people who are green are fuji (innocent result after the godfather is dead), NW, and.....you

you sure you want to proceed with this theory?

Yes, because I think NW is scum. :catpole:

I'm there because TACy tried to appeal to me, he lost his scum mind if he thought that would work
can you elaborate why you think this?

and why you haven't voted for him yet?
I... He's been behaving and reacting oddly. His theories are as silly as when Melon tried to pin me as scum. I don't think I've seen NW defend himself like this before, he stands out.

What do you mean why I haven't voted?

I'd wish :catblush: @TheAncientCenturion

Anyways nope.

Vote lynch NeutralWatcher
To which he responded "Lol busted?"


Like I would vote for that reason EVER. Such a wrong wrong reaction.
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He's different than his previous scum meta - that is also true. But that time he had three scummates helping him be like a kitten.
TACy trying to sound nonchalant.
Do you think I'm the encyclopedia or something? Give some of your own thoughts. :goatasure:
after finding out you're an environmental engineer today, it made me realize that i dont ask you enough questions so I decided to change that


in all serious though, my thoughts are that im confused. it's usually extremely easy to figure out who a scummates teammates are when you isolate their posts, but because of this plottwist where tac's teammates dont know who he is, it makes things unnecessarily complicated. tac would be well aware that his teammates dont know him so i can't shake off the feeling that his read's list is completely useless and that he simply posted that to blend in as a townie and waste our time if he ever ended up dying.

either way, the only way to test how valid tac's read list is by testing it out. we need a sacrificial lamb and I wouldn't have a problem with NW being that lamb. but before I can vote for NW, there is one little problem....

I noticed that cobra had no idea what we were talking about when people were saying they had the same hidden passive as me. the question is, does every townie have that hidden ability or not? if every townie has that ability, then cobra slipped that he's scum and i'll be voting for NW today. if every townie doesn't have that ability, then I'll vote for NW. the person who's going to anwser that question for me is confirmed town drago. so yeah, here's the thoughts of the person you thought does nothing but commentary all game T_T


do you have the same hidden passive as me?
after finding out you're an environmental engineer today, it made me realize that i dont ask you enough questions so I decided to change that

Compliments won't work on me, you bastard :blush:

I noticed that cobra had no idea what we were talking about when people were saying they had the same hidden passive as me. the question is, does every townie have that hidden ability or not?
My guess is no. A lot of them had no clue about it, Drago included.

Are you a police character?


Melontonin: I think she questioned Poison for weird reason to vote me she leans town. The reaction looked genuine.

TAC: I think he, Light and Zara were players to asked to move the game and stop fluid post. That's a good look imo.

Cobra: I think he leans town. His reaction when he said he hasn't gotten townie role seems genuine.

Reborn looks weird.

Also since most of you think I'm town I think I would get killed tonight.

That's a good thing since my role is not that useful after all so they would waste their night action to kill me.
That first thing means 0. If that's all it takes for someone to look good, then......

Hahaha traumatized much? Point fingers more and be less passive and you might not be such a great target always. :catsweat:
Lanji is not A player.

Okay I'll take a back seat this time. :catsure:

@Zara this is why I changed my play style


@Natalija I thought I explained why did I change my play style. Can you even read? Why are you mentioning the same thing over and over again?
yeah i am. drago is an FBI agent though that L had brought to Japan to investigate Kira though.
He's foreign. You and I are da ones. :moonwalk:
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@Natalija I thought I explained why did I change my play style. Can you even read? Why are you mentioning the same thing over and over again?
I know, I know, you said so. Still doesn't explain bad reactions to everything.
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