[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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Ok, is there anybody else y'all wanna pressure? Kiwi and Cobra are two caught scum this phase so far.

I have a moderate suspicion on Meg right now.


𝒞𝓇𝒾𝓂𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝑅𝒶𝒾𝓃 𝒮𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝐹𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇
Eh, that feels like a pretty weak reason to me. Reaction votes can only go so far before they expire. Should have removed it.

As I said, to ME it would have felt like I was bandwagoning.

But if you read back, you can see the two were on my sus list too.

I don’t see why you are trying to make a big fuss out of that one vote.

To your question about that L account. I don’t think he has any information about my role or anything since if be knew something he wouldn’t have mentioned me there.


As I said, to ME it would have felt like I was bandwagoning.

But if you read back, you can see the two were on my sus list too.

I don’t see why you are trying to make a big fuss out of that one vote.

To your question about that L account. I don’t think he has any information about my role or anything since if be knew something he wouldn’t have mentioned me there.
I know you suspected those two. It's why I was wondering why you left your vote on Poison when you could have voted those two.

You're right, it isn't that serious to press super forward about. I'ma let it go but I'm still wary of you.
Melotonin : her whole posts didn't have much in it : the only post that was vaguely useful was this one :

Except that her 20 posts here have barely nothing valuable. Not a good look.

Light : except the beginning of the games he made only 4 posts and those ones were to defend himself againts Fuji fluffing charge.
So we don't have much to judge him.

Queen : hadn't said anything except the beginning of the game, so we cannot judge her.

Same for Flower.

Same for Ali.

Trismegistus : not a lot of posts but 1 that might be interesting :

This one, she barely caught up with the thread but she was already answering people question and gave the reads she had. Good look in my book.
Neutral watcher : the fact that he was trying to play seriously since the beginning can be a good thing but I don't want to put too much thought into that. Early fluff is not bad at all and early seriousness is not a town credibity too.

This was obviously a joke, and you were a bit too defensive.

Once again I don't think the early fluff and the one who called it out can give us town read.

Now your first reads :

I think Melon post was weird I don't think this post and this is her only post that meant something cleared her.

TAC Light and Zara saying stop to fluff is not a holy thing.

Why do you think Reborn is weird ?

I don't like how you portrayed yourself has an easy or weak target...

and you saying that you have weak powers is not good too.

Don't a fan of this first read.

then again the victim card : why do you think you will die tonight ?

Don't think so. If you are a real townie go back to you old meta please.


Now your full read : nothing bad from those read it is still the beginning of the game so okay to have average reads and don't be sure.
The point that is interesting is about Poison. Her first vote againts you was clearly a joke. But I need to check Poison posts too.

All in all something is a bit off here.

Now we are getting into players that talked much more :

Yo Tan Wa : he begins his game by a color list but he became serious after that so no problem for me.

After he caugh up to the thread he gave his reads : good points : his read of NW is good for me, he saw something special and called it and asked NW to explain. The rest was okayish but to be fair we don't have a lot of material.

Reborn not ending the early fluff is not really a bad point for him, it's not his job and he had maybe other things to do. And this is a 48h day phase so we can have 1h of early fluff.

Then you came up with your second full reads.

I agree that usual play or usual things are easy way sometimes to get yourself out of suss and lurk but here i think TAC and Light comments about Queen were genuine. I don't think this is some buddying or protecting of Queen it would be too obvious. She is not town cleared at all but her early inactivity is not suss for now.

After that you kept focusing on NW, and I think it's okay you had some doubts about his gameplay so it's fair to focus on him.

The moment you put some votes even weird ones people have rights to call you out for them.

Good to know ^^. With that claim I think you can understand why people can call you out for inconsistencies.

All in all seems pretty town to me. Especially his behaviour with Neutral.
Reborn : Since his first real post the guy was already at 100% haha. Then he is putting some scum hunt work. I like that he is the first to point out NW new/weird behaviour. More townie than not for now.

Kiwi :

in her first post she already said that she wanted to claim her passive. She was wary of claiming her character name because of Nat warning but she wanted to claim the passive since the beginning.

I think this is a common tactic as a miller. And given she said it immediately and not after some time in the game this felt genuine.

The only Miller I have seen since I have played Mafia is Krogo in the Cats game. And after reading again Krogo's posts he claimed Miller right away and felt true and ended up townie.

But with that type of claim we never know.

yeah putting a cop on you has no point but putting a tracker on you is useful. And even if it is not tonight, an other night is good too.
If you do weird things at night it can def paint you as scum.

Zara is right here.

Then Kiwi made a big post and vote Gambit : the post was constructed and with evidences so quite good post.

The rest is of her meaningful posts are a lot about Gambit meta and if he behaves according to his meta or not.

But all in all I think she is neutral but more townie neutral than scum neutral for now.

Nat :

first serious post : about Gambit claim : didn't think his "L" claim was serious and two times said that nobody should claim.

You said that but even if you posted a lot and said good things you didn't really scum hunt nor point fingers or push anyone.

Not really know what to think about Nat. Neutral for now, but even if she is here I don't think she had much weight.
I dont see any Specific read for Tac,
Lmao drago you’re so off I can’t even

Anyways, come back to this list when I’m dead and flip town.
Scums - Jew, Tris, Rayan, NW (might be third party)
I mean...you could just shut Drago up by claiming. You really would rather die then claim? If so, you can't blame Drago then.


𝒞𝓇𝒾𝓂𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝑅𝒶𝒾𝓃 𝒮𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝐹𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇
I know you suspected those two. It's why I was wondering why you left your vote on Poison when you could have voted those two.

You're right, it isn't that serious to press super forward about. I'ma let it go but I'm still wary of you.
Okay, I get your reasonings too

But I wanted to ask you this since you know these stuff.

What possible reasons could there be to have a failed action at night? Other than role block
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