[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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When you catch up, tell us who you sus. And did he do anything last night. Target and if you got anything.
light didnt do anything
Ofcrs, he's scared from Battlefield, grown too old. :yasu:

@LANJI CUCKSMOKE we ain't gonna forget about you, so do read and answer back. :goatasure:

@Queen who are you voting?
How short is your sus list nw,
light didnt submit an action and I was officially subbed in in the morning. noctis had to call him to ask if he was still around before he chose to sub out. on my read
I would put poison and jdb as potential candidates starting strictly from melontonin in the first dp . her reads on the vast majority of the players were forced and not as constructive as her town meta. a lot of her post weren't much more than commentary you would typically see with zara rather than scumhunting. awfully different from her game as town in throne of lies if you guys recall.
starting this dp with jdb and gambit , I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt as a fellow sub but I havent seen much to call off my prev sus from the day 1 . starting with the interaction with gambit with a quick reaction to vote off gambit when a little pressure came on his end. he didnt give much reads or add a new perspective to the game before jumping on the kiwi lynch rather quickly which he failed to justify reasonably.
Am also not certain why kiwi's claim as miller is all of a sudden checked out. unless ofc cops performed an invest on her in the middle of the day but they would still get a guilty result. sorry for the delay , its also crucnh time in another game on nf and I am flipping between both pages. Remind me not to do this again.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Jew, in my eyes, has 90% being scum.
I gave him a chance but he didn’t even have a chance tbh. Melon matched every scum tactic in my book. First, inactivity, then she was wagoning against different ppl, last one of them being Gambi who specifically said to be aware of the ppl who voted him alongside TAC to be one of his scum buddies. Fuji got cleared (and Has overall got town read on him by many players) that leaves the only other person on the gambi vote list, Melon, one of my early suspects in this game, to be the other mafia scum.
the last thing I want to say about melon being scum in my scum acts book Is something a little... unusual. a decent number of times when people sub-out, it is because they find the game to be a hopeless one. Now before you guys start jumping at this point let me explain what I mean then you are free to judge.
We have 3 people who subbed out:
now you see the first two I genuinely think they subbed out of business or work or simply not having the time to play this game how they routinely do. Reborn gave a pretty strong statement about this right before he subbed Out and light was legit busy he is probably the least player that posted on this game ... now you might think this is not enough, here’s another nail in the coffin, out of the three, melon seemed the only one able to fluff D1 and to have track of things until late D1.
so why would she sub-out?
imagine you start a role madness game, and you get your faction leader Lynch killed D1 (not to mention, Lynch kill was probably the only way light could have been killed, it was clearly made like this so light could remain late in the game), and even worse, you get rolecrushed that same N1, yes people, i role crushed melon, that’s why her vote was not counted and Tac was lynched. Wouldn’t that make you wanna think this game is hopeless?
I am not saying this because I want to say melon took the easy road when things started going south, I like melon 🍉, I would never talk like this to her or any other player and mean something bad, the only reson I’m saying this, is because I think it goes well with my case on her.

moving on to Jew, so Jew started off having 80 pages to catch on, a bad vibe everyone got on him because of how Melon previously played and most importantly, his role being crushed.
honestly, what can a man do at this point?
i praise him for trying to try making his role look better by more active gameplay than melon‘s gameplay, but the case was long over before he even had a chance, Yes, I’m that much sure Melon/Jew is a scum role.

my question for Jew on his last NP was aimed at me wanting him to say he was roleblocked (by me)
him not saying this means two possibilities and only two:
1- Jew really didn’t do an action last NP, so he never got Host Pm saying he was Rbed, though I think role crushing means all your abilities (active and passive) will be blocked And that makes it almost obvious you would get a host Pm when you are role crushed.
2- Jew is not telling the truth cuz that would make him look even more suspicious than he already is (remember, no scum kills last NP)

in conclusion, I think Jew/Melon role is a scum role, most likely Mafia.
This is my final descion on Jew, I’ll be moving on to another case.
My biggest problem with this is that I truly didn’t do anything last night, but I have no way to prove that without showing the PM. How else can I demonstrate that I did NOT do something?? I’m damned either way, so this is a strong case purely by merit of being unable to prove a lack of action. If you truly roleblocked me, then you roleblocked nothing from happening...so you can say nothing happened because of your action, whereas I know nothing happened because of my INaction, but the end result is the same. Again, there’s no way to disprove you because the lack of evidence reinforces both our cases, but because of Melon’s behavior and the general consensus on how I’ve taken over, your case is “believable” by default. This is a great tactic, but it’s still wrong.
Jew, in my eyes, has 90% being scum.
I gave him a chance but he didn’t even have a chance tbh. Melon matched every scum tactic in my book.

First, inactivity, then she was wagoning against different ppl, last one of them being Gambi who specifically said to be aware of the ppl who voted him alongside TAC to be one of his scum buddies.

Fuji got cleared (and Has overall got town read on him by many players) that leaves the only other person on the gambi vote list, Melon, one of my early suspects in this game, to be the other mafia scum.

the last thing I want to say about melon being scum in my scum acts book Is something a little... unusual. a decent number of times when people sub-out, it is because they find the game to be a hopeless one. Now before you guys start jumping at this point let me explain what I mean then you are free to judge.
We have 3 people who subbed out:

now you see the first two I genuinely think they subbed out of business or work or simply not having the time to play this game how they routinely do. Reborn gave a pretty strong statement about this right before he subbed Out and light was legit busy he is probably the least player that posted on this game ... now you might think this is not enough, here’s another nail in the coffin, out of the three, melon seemed the only one able to fluff D1 and to have track of things until late D1.

so why would she sub-out?

imagine you start a role madness game, and you get your faction leader Lynch killed D1 (not to mention, Lynch kill was probably the only way light could have been killed, it was clearly made like this so light could remain late in the game), and even worse, you get rolecrushed that same N1, yes people, i role crushed melon, that’s why her vote was not counted and Tac was lynched. Wouldn’t that make you wanna think this game is hopeless?

I am not saying this because I want to say melon took the easy road when things started going south, I like melon 🍉, I would never talk like this to her or any other player and mean something bad, the only reson I’m saying this, is because I think it goes well with my case on her.

moving on to Jew, so Jew started off having 80 pages to catch on, a bad vibe everyone got on him because of how Melon previously played and most importantly, his role being crushed.
honestly, what can a man do at this point?

i praise him for trying to try making his role look better by more active gameplay than melon‘s gameplay, but the case was long over before he even had a chance, Yes, I’m that much sure Melon/Jew is a scum role.

my question for Jew on his last NP was aimed at me wanting him to say he was roleblocked (by me)

him not saying this means two possibilities and only two:
1- Jew really didn’t do an action last NP, so he never got Host Pm saying he was Rbed, though I think role crushing means all your abilities (active and passive) will be blocked And that makes it almost obvious you would get a host Pm when you are role crushed.

2- Jew is not telling the truth cuz that would make him look even more suspicious than he already is (remember, no scum kills last NP)

in conclusion, I think Jew/Melon role is a scum role, most likely Mafia.
This is my final descion on Jew, I’ll be moving on to another case.
made Some spaces between The lines for a better read, I apologize.
light didnt do anything

light didnt submit an action and I was officially subbed in in the morning. noctis had to call him to ask if he was still around before he chose to sub out. on my read
I would put poison and jdb as potential candidates starting strictly from melontonin in the first dp . her reads on the vast majority of the players were forced and not as constructive as her town meta. a lot of her post weren't much more than commentary you would typically see with zara rather than scumhunting. awfully different from her game as town in throne of lies if you guys recall.
starting this dp with jdb and gambit , I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt as a fellow sub but I havent seen much to call off my prev sus from the day 1 . starting with the interaction with gambit with a quick reaction to vote off gambit when a little pressure came on his end. he didnt give much reads or add a new perspective to the game before jumping on the kiwi lynch rather quickly which he failed to justify reasonably.
Am also not certain why kiwi's claim as miller is all of a sudden checked out. unless ofc cops performed an invest on her in the middle of the day but they would still get a guilty result. sorry for the delay , its also crucnh time in another game on nf and I am flipping between both pages. Remind me not to do this again.
her miller claim checks out because she character revealed
I didnt see any character reveal
and I dont know much of these characters
I havent watched the series. perhaps the hint was in a joke/convo somewhere but I honestly wouldnt know.
it was a subtle hint

also as for you and ali sussing jew, id just like to let you know that jew is the only player in this game who has given the amount of characters in the hidden passive

no one else has before or after him
Tbh I don't want to waste my ability again on an inactive player. Tonight I want to look into someone else, we can still do that unless if you have some kind of more useful ability. :catrude:
actually we might be able to investigate two players with the strong modifier at the same time i’m just waiting for noctis to confirm
My biggest problem with this is that I truly didn’t do anything last night, but I have no way to prove that without showing the PM. How else can I demonstrate that I did NOT do something?? I’m damned either way, so this is a strong case purely by merit of being unable to prove a lack of action. If you truly roleblocked me, then you roleblocked nothing from happening...so you can say nothing happened because of your action, whereas I know nothing happened because of my INaction, but the end result is the same. Again, there’s no way to disprove you because the lack of evidence reinforces both our cases, but because of Melon’s behavior and the general consensus on how I’ve taken over, your case is “believable” by default. This is a great tactic, but it’s still wrong.
I already mentioned the possibility of you not pulling an actions last NP, my conclusion is based on the roleblock (mafia no kills) + Gambi post last round (either Fuji or Melon is maf buddy of Tac, Fuji got cleared, you are the only remaining one, and you (melon) perfectly match the features of a scum on D1) This is just the overmath of D1 posts and N1 no kills combined.

P.s. I already noted you can’t do anything at this point, none can tbh.
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