Powers & Abilities Why Zoro turning Enma into a blade blade symbolises surpassing Oden

I can destroy that panel with one point and its something you ran away from earlier.
Zoro will leave wano with 3 swords that he has had with for a different length of time and all 3 have different history of battles yet by eos which in story time will be months max if that will have 3 kokutos.
We'll see about that. :cheers:

Quote me come the end of Wano when Zoro has three black blades. Cause I'll make sure to quote you when he doesn't.
We are explicitly told that through constant battle, Shusui itself was forged into a Black Blade.
I think it's not something to be taken literally. He said that Ryuma's blade, throughout his battles eventually became black. It doesn't mean many battles are the requirement, but just that after many battles it became black. And what blooms during battles? Haki. Mihawk said master Haki in order to achieve a black blade. And Oden, he was a prodigy, a pure swordsman with no other powers, tamed Enma as a child and fought with it for decades. While Zoro will turn Enma black in a short period of time.

It's doesn't make a whole lot of sense, because in the context of the clues we are giving about "Forging" a Black Blade, there is nothing that implies it's because of having super strong Haki.

Onimaru tells us Shusui was "Forged" into a Black Blade through Ryuma's "History of Battle." It's not something he just pulled off one day out of the Blue because his Haki became strong enough. The Sword itself was "Forged through battle" which is a process. Forging something is not a one step method.
Maybe super strong Haki is not the sole reason, but I'm sure it is an important reason too. Maybe another aspect of turning the blade black, is to create the perfect flow, which is a technique used by swordsmen to "cut everything and nothing". Obviously there are levels to Ryou as well as Kaido pointed out when saying it's "Oden's Ryou". And achieving a black blade is a level where a swordsman can claim to cut through everything.
no not really oden was bumping haki to enma ever since he had it so he already did 80% of the work of turning enma into a black blade if zoro turns enma into a black blade it means he’s a very strong swordman doesn’t necessarily mean he’s stronger than oden

if anything zoro should turn wado into black blade, and being honest i don’t think zoro is blacking any of his swords in wano it’s too early
Nope, there is major fault in this. Because by this Logic, Ryuma should have been capable of just walking around and picking anything up he wants, and turning it black. That's ridiculous, cause there is no indication in the manga whatsoever that something like that is possible. There is no "forging" involved in that, cause again, forging is not a one step process.

We are not told "Ryuma bloomed his haki to the point where he was able to turn Shusui Black."

We are explicitly told that through constant battle, Shusui itself was forged into a Black Blade. Nothing implies that the constant battles was increasing his Haki, and then his haki became so strong, he was finally able to just blacken the blade. If that's the case, then using Armament Haki, on an already Blackened Blade would be completely pointless. That means your Haki will never be strong enough to make a Blackened Blade harder than it already is. So why on Earth would Zoro be using Armament Haki on Shusui, if the blade is already too high of quality in comparison to his Armament Haki? It makes zero sense. You can't make something harder, that's already become so hard due to God Tier Haki.
Yes that is exactly what I am telling you, if Ryuma picked any blade he could have turned it into Black blade. Its makes much more sense than the Haki container bullshit that you are trying to pull.

What do you mean there is no indication of it, we know Haki blooms in extreme battles, we know Ryuma had countless battles, he took on the challenge of an entire world, probably from Admirals of his time, top pirates of his time, for fuck sakes he took on the World Government and World Government failed against him.

You are literally trying to reduce the weight of making a blade blade just because it doesn't fit your narrative.
Why would Zoro not coat Shushui with Haki when he himself did not know exactly how Black Blade is made. And maybe he did but just because CoA is what makes permanent black blade doesn't mean you get all properties of CoA, Ryuma made Shushui black centuries ago and main reason for coating your sword is so that the sword doesn't break.

But that doesn't mean permanent CoA would also include advanced CoA properties like shooting beams of Haki like that cut on Monet, the Haki tendrils that Zoro's and Roger's CoA produces, hell you can even cut an entire cliff of Wano with CoA, it was literally Enma shooting CoA out of Zoro's sword.

Even after you forget a black blade, have CoA strong enough to forge a black blade, all it would do is make the blade unbreakable, it is not gonna give you every single property of CoA. You can't shoot Haki out of a black blade without using external Haki lmao.
Now that I think about it, Zoro was aware of what a black blade is pre TS.

And it doesn't seem like he knew Ryuma before their battle. He saw Mihawk's black blade, but where would he get the infos from about the characteristics of a black blade. Who else apart from Ryuma and Mihawk forged a black blade?

I'd like to see a flashback of Mihawk where he addresses Zoro's Shusui.
We'll see about that. :cheers:

Quote me come the end of Wano when Zoro has three black blades. Cause I'll make sure to quote you when he doesn't.
He won't because
-It requires overwhelming amount of CoA supplied to sword in a single time
-Enma would speed up that process.

Lets say Haki level required to turn your blade into permanent black blade is 100

Zoro would be 80 right now because his CoA is same level as Oden's. Why?
Well because I don't think Enma was always sucking Haki, I doubt 11 year old Oden had CoA mastery enough to control flow of Haki, I doubt his Ryou was stronger than Denjiro's Ryou at the age of 11.

Instead its because Enma is used to Oden's CoA and blades carry will of the blade master that when someone weaker than Oden CoA wise picks Enma up, Enma sucks in too much Haki and they turn into Husk.

Zoro after his CoA training where he can use Enma without his army turning skinny has Oden level CoA which is 80.
Against Kaido, it would bloom to 90 and with Enma enhancement he would provide Enma with enough CoA required to turn itself black which is a 100.

With that said I think Mihawk and Ryuma have strongest CoA in history period.


World's Strongest Swordsman
You think that by Zoro blackening Enma, he will easily be able to blacken his other two swords.

You also think he will blacken Enma before Wano ends.

Doesn't matter what you said in the quote, because that is your thought process. You don't even know what your arguing anymore. :suresure:
Wait wait wait so what ever he does to make enma black hes gonna use another way to make his other 2 swords black lmfao
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it doesn’t but the point of black blades is that the sword the sword turns permanently black when it pumped a lot of haki
Oden pumped enma with haki for over 2 decades couldnt do it.
Zoro has only been putting haki on wado for 2 years
You think that by Zoro blackening Enma, he will easily be able to blacken his other two swords.

You also think he will blacken Enma before Wano ends.

Doesn't matter what you said in the quote, because that is your thought process. You don't even know what your arguing anymore. :suresure:
I don't think that's gonna work because
CoA - Required for Black blade = 100
CoA level of Zoro post Wano = 90
Enma would suck more CoA out of him then he can normally provide = 100
Black blade = 100 = Enma forcing CoA out of Zoro = Permanent black blade
I don't think that's gonna work because
CoA - Required for Black blade = 100
CoA level of Zoro post Wano = 90
Enma would suck more CoA out of him then he can normally provide = 100
Black blade = 100 = Enma forcing CoA out of Zoro = Permanent black blade
We'll get an explanation on Blackenin a blade soon enough. There will be no need to have to try and figure it out once it happens. I am confident in my assessment. Hope your as confident in yours.

Cyrus the Cactus

Mihawk Reigns Supreme
no not really oden was bumping haki to enma ever since he had it so he already did 80% of the work of turning enma into a black blade if zoro turns enma into a black blade it means he’s a very strong swordman doesn’t necessarily mean he’s stronger than oden

if anything zoro should turn wado into black blade, and being honest i don’t think zoro is blacking any of his swords in wano it’s too early
Why don't brawlers turn permanently black if Haki can be stored?

Now that I think about it, Zoro was aware of what a black blade is pre TS.

And it doesn't seem like he knew Ryuma before their battle. He saw Mihawk's black blade, but where would he get the infos from about the characteristics of a black blade. Who else apart from Ryuma and Mihawk forged a black blade?

I'd like to see a flashback of Mihawk where he addresses Zoro's Shusui.