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Why are we acting like Sanji training was ever a thing? Why are people are perceiving Zoro and Sanji as similar characters or something. Sanji doesnt care about that shit bro......Think about every Sanji powerup...... how many of them did he really train for?
Ill give him credit he trained for 2 years and developed DJ post time skip, now he's at the point where he's isnt very strong so Oda gave him the power up in WCI.

Based off Sanji's previous battles vs Mingo, Vergo, Judge, etc we knew how strong he was, and oda stepped in and gave him that boost
People who rate this shitty transition chapter "Blew my mind". Why? I'm not saying your decision is dumb or something because it's your decision but why? Nothing fucking happened? Because of SHs panel?

Judging by the logic you are rating shitty chapter like this on the same level as 957 GG.
well it obviously bothers you. otherwise you wouldnt post this
Nah ain’t no way some of y’all on here writing headcanons about stuff that ain’t even happen in the chapter lmfaooo and then basing an entire argument off of something that doesn’t exist??? I understand not liking a characters fan base cuz toxicity tends to happen every now and then but to the extent some of you guys are going? JESUS CHRIST SON 💀

and no I’m not referring to what @Sentinel said he made valid points but as opposed to what other people are saying I don’t know anymore man

King threw Sanji on the surface of the building, but the panel that is shown Sanji, he is already on the floor on the side of the building.
Everything that happened off the panel may just have Sanji coming out of the rubble and walking towards the battlefield again.

To assume that Sanji was knocked out is stupid and biased


World's Strongest Swordsman

King threw Sanji on the surface of the building, but the panel that is shown Sanji, he is already on the floor on the side of the building.
Everything that happened off the panel may just have Sanji coming out of the rubble and walking towards the battlefield again.

To assume that Sanji was knocked out is stupid and biased
Lmfao if sanji was couscous and fine as you say why would he be climbing he can fly with or without the suit.
Besides that clearly shows the impact didnt destory the whole tower so there wasnt that much rubble there anyway.
Oh so sanji the one who was on defense against king hurting mono was the one that attacked king?? He attacked king first is what you’re saying?? Lmfaoooo Nah you cant actually be serious

sanji was defending momo from king he wasn’t attacking him lmfaooo what? And even after king LITERALLY saying this

You’re still saying he didn’t care for sanji 😭😭 I think it’s clear who’s in denial here and it damn sure ain’t me but carry on lmaooo
Okay so not only are you incapable of understanding what I am saying, I am also starting to think you are either dishonest or you have only selectively read last chapter.

Let me break down the start of the clash then
King was about to execute Monosuke and Shinobu tries to come and save him and while King initially deals with her, eventually Sanji uses his RS bullshit to get Momo off the execution cross and King chases Momo.
While King is chasing him, RS Sanji, fully invisible, without saying a word attacks King and king is still able to sense RS Sanji and block him on time. That shows some very impressive reflexes and RS is meant to boost his speed, on top of making him invisible.
So lets keep that in mind, an unfocused King can still deal with Raid Suit Sanji, strongest version of Sanji that Sanji put his pride on the line to use, and have no advantage.
I am not sure how you can look at that and tell me Sanji did not attack King first, Sanji literally flying kicks him and King lifts his knee up to block.

Then you went on to grossly misrepresent what I said.
I didn't mean King didn't care for Sanji AT ALL, I said he didn't care for him ENOUGH to try his absolute best to kill him. Because if he truly did, we would see him using his sword, using his fire, using Haki, using named attack.

He just used the beak and had the whole "If you die you die attitude".

I seriously don't see how that helps your case. Like you are loosing your hit and vehemently trying to convince us that Sanji wasn't K.Oed, as if getting momentarily incapacitated against YC1 is such a bad feat.

All the while completely and conveniently ignoring my main point of Sanji wondering after getting up what happened while he was down.
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Also @Winsmoke Sanji you need to check your eyes, Sanji was not in front of Jinbei, he was next to him but farther from the right which is generally a position where less important members stand.

Although in the grand scheme of things it doesn't mean much
King flew at a high speed and only destroyed part of the same building Zoro sliced in half with enma
That’s how I understood it as well.

Sanji is walking from behind the pillar and making his way back to the battle field.

King pushed Sanji through the structure .. which in turn knocked him out for a brief moment.

King threw Sanji on the surface of the building, but the panel that is shown Sanji, he is already on the floor on the side of the building.
Everything that happened off the panel may just have Sanji coming out of the rubble and walking towards the battlefield again.

To assume that Sanji was knocked out is stupid and biased
These all events are happening WHILE brachio tank is falling with the number from Franky's attack
You can see that Sanji is there while the tank is falling
This whole chapter is just multiple events happening at once
Okay so not only are you incapable of understanding what I am saying, I am also starting to think you are either dishonest or you have only selectively read last chapter.

Let me break down the start of the clash then

I am not sure how you can look at that and tell me Sanji did not attack King first, Sanji literally flying kicks him and King lifts his knee up to block.

Then you went on to grossly misrepresent what I said.
I didn't mean King didn't care for Sanji AT ALL, I said he didn't care for him ENOUGH to try his absolute best to kill him. Because if he truly did, we would see him using his sword, using his fire, using Haki, using named attack.

He just used the beak and had the whole "If you die you die attitude".

I seriously don't see how that helps your case. Like you are loosing your hit and vehemently trying to convince us that Sanji wasn't K.Oed, as if getting momentarily incapacitated against YC1 is such a bad feat.

All the while completely and conveniently ignoring my main point of Sanji wondering after getting up what happened while he was down.
Bruh I’m not tryna read all at especially since I know you’re just going to try to shift the goalposts first you say he didn’t care for sanji now you’re saying you never said he didn’t care for sanji lmfao pick a side bruh.

And if you had sense you’d realize I was never arguing about whether he got knocked out or not lol you were the one who brought that up I’m just refuting the point in which you said king wasn’t aiming to kill sanji which he clearly was as I stated and showed proof so yea next!

It’s very simple king aimed to split sanji in half he failed. That’s it! All that happened after you can speculate I’m just talking about what happened not what I think happened but what happened!
If Sanji just woke up, why is he outside of the building and not inside where he crashed?
What kinda half ass argument is that?
How do you know King's beak didn't drop him out outside of the building?

I am not sure if you are able to understand so let me provide you with the visualization

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Bruh I’m not tryna read all at especially since I know you’re just going to try to shift the goalposts first you say he didn’t care for sanji now you’re saying you never said he didn’t care for sanji lmfao pick a side bruh.

And if you had sense you’d realize I was never arguing about whether he got knocked out or not lol you were the one who brought that up I’m just refuting the point in which you said king wasn’t aiming to kill sanji which he clearly was as I stated and showed proof so yea next!

It’s very simple king aimed to split sanji in half he failed. That’s it! All that happened after you can speculate I’m just talking about what happened not what I think happened but what happened!
Okay you have lost this argument.
Good job
I will accept your concession
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