i thought people would forget

i might post it someday i’m still thinking about it
Remember, bodybuilding...And I stress this over and over, it takes pattern of a lot of things, but it mainly working for the pump and doing a lot repetions, it's not about one or two or three or four reps, it's about 8- 12 repetions, getting constant blood flow to the muscle, in order to get that round muscle look
:usoprice: damn goat chill a bit
Remember, bodybuilding...And I stress this over and over, it takes pattern of a lot of things, but it mainly working for the pump and doing a lot repetions, it's not about one or two or three or four reps, it's about 8- 12 repetions, getting constant blood flow to the muscle, in order to get that round muscle look
i would exercise a lot more but i have heart problems so i’m limited

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower