Rate Sanji new Elbaf outfit ?

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Why do i feel that sanji vs king will be the best fight in wano 1 vs 1
@yunzabit heights who are those 2 girls in your avy, i am just asking for...ehm, you know, research purposes :laughmoji:

Is it from FT?
yes from fairy tail
red hair is erza scarlet n white one is mirajane strauss
those two basically zori n sanji of FT
erza always win with asspull like zori
and mirajane like sanji lack of combat but dearly loved by fandom cause her unique moveset


Pepebusi Spammer
you sure thinking a lot when shower huh...
there is some research when you doing a shower, the chance you producing the "idea" or something like that became higher.

"Cognitive Scientist Scott Barry Kaufman did a study that found 72% of people get creative ideas in this particular location. He said, “We did a multinational study and found that people reported more creative inspiration in their showers that they did at work.”