Spoiler One Piece Chapter 990 Spoilers Discussion

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Except Enies Lobby focused most of its time on Luffy vs. Fodder and Paulie, Franky Family, and 2 Sea creatures also fighting fodder BEFORE the raided the tower.

Holy fuck you guys have massive nostalgia goggles. We aren't at the main fights yet. This shit has NOT changed in years.

This chapter literally is composed of Luffy, Zoro, Drake and the rest are the actual main villains. So no, that is not the equivalent
Oda had the decency to not switch on galley la vs fodders after the straw hats reunited in front of the justice of the tower.
And no, Robin's flashback isn't in any way comparable to Drake/WsW/Queen stuff which is a secondary plotline because I see the argument coming.:sanmoji: Delete Robin and her angst and Enies Lobby doesn't happen, delete Drake drama and Onigashima still happens the same overall.
Nothing happened guys are most productive guys in their real life. Everyday their day will be productive. If they write a novel or manga, it will be hero comes, villain comes, fight, end. Very productive approach.

Blother Fertitta

Real Ni**er Blother
Tell what? That nothing happend? I Will ask you AGAIN, do you want me to point what happend since they are in onigashima?
What happpened boyyyyyyy, you can’t confirm either orochi/Kanjuro are dead until end of the war. Nothing essentially happened to Momonosuke, he’s still alive and freed with shinobu. Tobi Roppo have gone their own ways. King/Queen/jack still not fighting strawhats. BMP are still down there. Big Mom is pushed back, so in essence she’s still not a “threat”. And Luffy and company are still fighting fodder. Except now they’re diff named fodder. Before the fodder was Gifters now the fodder are numbers
Oda had the decency to not switch on galley la vs fodders after the straw hats reunited in front of the justice of the tower.
And no, Robin's flashback isn't in any way comparable to Drake/WsW/Queen stuff which is a secondary plotline because I see the argument coming.:sanmoji: Delete Robin and her angst and Enies Lobby doesn't happen, delete Drake drama dand Onigashima still happens the same overall.
Except once again, those two scenes aren't even comparible.

With Enies Lobby. The focus was specifically on the SH's vs. CP-9. Oda already did 20 chapters of Luffy vs. Fodder and Galley La/Franky Family vs Fodder

Wano, there has yet to be a lineup of villains the strawhats are versing. There is no clear defined moment where people are going to fight other characters yet because we aren't even at the fights yet.

We are STILL before that point where Oda has random fodder face off against lesser characters. This isn't a 1v1 moment. These aren't the final battles. The characters are all still moving to respective places.
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