Spoiler One Piece Chapter 990 Spoilers Discussion

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Jack is freaking incredible.

Despite being wounded that much, swords are sticking around his body whilst he is consistently bleeding, he still managed to overwhelm that much Sulong minks.
As a reference, Daifuku was embarassed by a single Sulong mink, although it is Carrot, but Jack managed to handle THAT MANY.

And finally, Sulong Inu/Neko are going to fight Jack and they even managed to intimidate him.
However, I'm sure that this will change very fast if Jack uses his hybrid or perhaps... even his awakening?

Rn, King and Queen are rather lacklusting whom I thought would show very impressive feats during the raid but here they are, just chilling around lol.
So Inu and Neko able to hold Jack for 5 day rotating day and night and Jack have to use poison gas to defeat them. Now they are in Sulong fighting 2 v 1 they still cant defeat Jack. Wtf Oda, what the point of Sulong
Relax. They didn't even engage yet. Besides, the Dukes were nerfed for a reason by losing limbs and Jack has yet to reveal his hybrid.
King: Let’s stop fighting amongst ourselves!!

King: Kaido-san is on the roof.
Enemies will make their way up there from within the castle.
You guys should stop them however you can.

King: Don’t underestimate them.
Good luck in your fight.
Even though I'm not a huge fan of King, I do like seeing this from him. It's stuff like these that is going to make me like his character a bit more, hopefully we will get to see more from King's personality during this arc.
He was not embarrassed, Carrot didn't fight him at all, she just run... like a rabbit
Well I do think that in a real battle Daifuku and his Genie would prove themselves to be more than a match against Sulongs minks and it's true that most minks aren't as fast and agile as Carrot.

Oven would be particulary useful at fighting Sulongs given how minks are weak to heat and how he owned Sulong Pekoms.
I think so too. It's a war after all and if the raid is going to fail anyway, there's no real point of discussing possible matchups that early.
i think most of the match up in this raid will be build up to the real fights in the second round

SHs should find themselves face to face with the topi roppo soon, which make sense since they are most likely their final opponent
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