It's legit weird how Oda skipped Sanji since he must have gotten lot of request with Sanji being 3rd most popular straw hat
There was the spiral eyebrows at first, which we no know comes from the Vinsmokes.
How the eye Sanji always covers looks like, which we got to see is just he same post time skip.
The Prince thing, which turned out he is an actual prince.
His bounty picture being a caricature, which leads to Duval and then us learning that the Vinsmokes would have known about him sooner if his real face was out there.
Him bursting into flames in anger in TB which eventually became HM post ts.
Him declaring that he will cause most trouble to the Marines in TB.
This might be one of those things where he teases us with this omission, and maybe in a future SBS people ask why we did not get Sanji's 40/60 yo picture, and he continues to tease some development in that regard.