One Piece Chapter 991: "Please let us die"

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i think it still Robin vs Black Maria
Chopper vs one of the numbers isnt that bad.
Especially if they're not drunk.
I just don't think the numbers are going to be used for actual matchups, especially since they don't really talk or carry any emotional weight during a fight.

I think Robin vs. Fukurokuju might honestly be a good matchup depending on how strong he is. Same with Brook vs. Hotei.
I’m just stating a fact. If Apoop is able to EASILY dodge Slowro, then Luffy and even Sanji will have no problem dodging him :milaugh:
Apoop koed Luffy btw. Luffy couldn't dodge Apoop btw. He also couldn't dodge Ulti who is getting taken care of by Nami btw. I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting some too.

But yeah keep sucking on Luffy's dick

The only good thing that came out of Luffy's FS is saving Sanji this war
Because X-Drake going all out here?
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Luffy Grizzly Magnum did a clean job on Pica's head, Elephant Gatling would've been more effective than ZoLo work who need Elizabath and Fujitura to clean after him.
So they are both not going all

And One unnamed clean slash Cut Pica's entire top half in half.

One unnamed slash >>> Grizzly Magnum
Except he canonically couldn’t
Except he canonically would have destroyed i.e. PULVERIZED the much much bigger Noah if he wasn't stopped.
He destroyed what he aimed at, and then continued on to his goal Doflamingo. If he aimed at more of the golem where ever he aimed at would have been pulverized. Do you think Luffy can only throw one attack?
Luffy's CoO is better than Zoro's so really this is PIS anyway.
So how many chapter do we have in term of set up?

Hopeful in 2 chapter we start with some proper match up.

I hope that Oda doesnt waste panels on Big Mom future gang but bring back the crew and on Orochi (which is not dead).

Marco,Kid,Law have to come next chapter

Definitely X-Drake is talking about Queen so there is something interesting going there.

Denjiro and Sasaki have to somehow meet again so that as well a point.

About King Oda has to clarified about this race and what it mean he is the last survival of his race what does it bring to the overhall plot, we shall see.

The only fight that I am pretty sure ll happen is supernova vs Kaido all the rest is not clear atm.

I hope we can have more info so taht we can stop all this trolls xD.

In few chapters they gone though :milaugh:
Because X-Drake going all out here?
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Luffy Grizzly Magnum did a clean job on Pica's head, Elephant Gatling would've been more effective than ZoLo work who need Elizabath and Fujitura to clean after him.
i swear to god what the fuck are you on about there is no depiction of drake or zoro struggling its a clear clash between both of them which they seem to be dishing out the same amount of power which means equal in that instance not one of them is shown stronger so could you hop off zoros dick for one second

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
So they are both not going all

And One unnamed clean slash Cut Pica's entire top half in half.

One unnamed slash >>> Grizzly Magnum
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i swear to god what the fuck are you on about there is not depiction of drake or zoro struggling its a clear clash between both of them which they seem to be dishing out the same amount of power which means equal in that instants not one of them is shown stronger so could you hop off zoros dick for one second
Chill, it's just a bait
i swear to god what the fuck are you on about there is not depiction of drake or zoro struggling its a clear clash between both of them which they seem to be dishing out the same amount of power which means equal in that instants not one of them is shown stronger so could you hop off zoros dick for one second
Difference between full power Zoro and casual 2 sword Zoro >>> Difference between hybrid Drake and Human drake
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