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What could have been...
btw @MUUGEN in case u missed it.

The legendary scum hunter @Flower , our only confirmed cop, was confused by how someone can be very aggressive on the first day so she issues a short notice day-time investigation on you. The results she received today from her role pm said "guilty".

Do you have any last words or anything you would like to claim to defend yourself before we inevitably have send you to the gallows tonight???

[Vote Lynch MUUGEN]

It sux to lose you this early but we have to kill scum


The End and the Beginning
Noted Ratchet as survivor and Flower going to school. GL :shrug

@Ratchet are you going to town side and if so, would you share some reads?
I'm not going to side against the town, but I'm not going to actively scum hunt much either. I'll chime in here and there, but for the time being if you decide to keep me around consider me an extra vote for whichever leading wagon people choose. And, I mean, my reads aren't going to be entirely genuine anyway, because I'm coming at this from a different angle to actual town.
lol you have no case against me though....

do you rely on meta to read people?

I’ll place an fos for you how Ratchet I’ve seen you pull off one too many gambits in the past albeitvrej is hosting and comes from OJ where every set up has a survivor

in order for town to trust you i feel it’s in our best interest for you to full claim. You’re a conditional survivor so I don’t like how you didn’t actually open up with this given Your experienc. I also can’t see why you openly partially claimed In your first post as a conditional survivor.

lean scum over town on you.

@Real Go D. Usopp youre Becoming quite annoying really given me ruin vibes, knew you were a troll. I just hope you have some skill.
Nothing conditional about my Survivor. I need to be alive at the end of the game to win. That's absolute, and not changing. I simply have something extra to do. It's not anti-town in the slightest, though I understand being suitably wary. I'm not going to claim more without a consensus though, because I feel my role claim will put me in a worse position overall in my quest to achieve my wincon.


Ghost Princess
Eh let’s not vote out Ratchet for a survivor claim. I think of this like a Miller or’s better to watch and judge from the way he plays than opportunistically jump the gun on a lynch.


What could have been...
yea but @Ratchet you still have to at least atempt to scum hunt a bit with us y'know

if ur a survivor thats not gna scum hunt, dont expect town to carry u btw

if we r reaching a dead end, ur lynch might be looking apparent that day, so u have to come forward and help town if you wanna survive with town xddd


I will never forgive Oda
Yeah. Any third party that can win with town should claim soon. Otherwise you’ll get lynched down the road for suspicions of being scum. You can’t stay on the fence and expect our mercy.

Fallen Prince

lol you have no case against me though....

do you rely on meta to read people?

I’ll place an fos for you how Ratchet I’ve seen you pull off one too many gambits in the past albeitvrej is hosting and comes from OJ where every set up has a survivor

in order for town to trust you i feel it’s in our best interest for you to full claim. You’re a conditional survivor so I don’t like how you didn’t actually open up with this given Your experienc. I also can’t see why you openly partially claimed In your first post as a conditional survivor.

lean scum over town on you.

@Real Go D. Usopp youre Becoming quite annoying really given me ruin vibes, knew you were a troll. I just hope you have some skill.
What mo case . You seem to have all good conclusion attitude about player.

Also whats with jayjay thing on post 1 it seems like you were intent with God ussop from get go because he is new player here.

Sorry to say its text book scum play from you. Hell If thats how you play mafia then i will never know.


Ghost Princess
My only issue is, is it possible that there can be a change in wincon for survivor?

last game (for a rej and Noctis game), I started as a Miller, got the trust of town and then wincon changed a few days later into SK/Cult


Now isn’t the time for a lynch and I believe that at this time he is a survivor. But my point is I don’t know about it in 3 days or something.


What could have been...
My only issue is, is it possible that there can be a change in wincon for survivor?

last game (for a rej and Noctis game), I started as a Miller, got the trust of town and then wincon changed a few days later into SK/Cult


Now isn’t the time for a lynch and I believe that at this time he is a survivor. But my point is I don’t know about it in 3 days or something.
we can keep that in mind


I will never forgive Oda
My only issue is, is it possible that there can be a change in wincon for survivor?

last game (for a rej and Noctis game), I started as a Miller, got the trust of town and then wincon changed a few days later into SK/Cult


Now isn’t the time for a lynch and I believe that at this time he is a survivor. But my point is I don’t know about it in 3 days or something.

I didn’t know Rej was a tricky host like that. I thought only Drago did that kind of bastard stuff.
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