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When were you under the impression this game is..

So, I don't know how it's usually played here, but I'm going to take a considerable risk to myself. I do this because I believe it is for the best both for me, and the rest of the Town at large. You can of course just lynch me here, but by doing so you will set the precedent of alienating survivors. Unless, of course, you believe I'm fake claiming, but that's another matter. And, little it may mean coming from me, claiming like this with no awareness of how this community treats survivors would be an incredible risk for me to take for relatively little gain back.

I'm a Survivor. I do have a secondary aspect to my wincon, but I'm going to need to keep that to myself. I can only assure you that it isn't remotely harmful to the Town.
It’s pretty easy to deduce who you are
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