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NO I want to clear drago while lynching Tobi. That was the fucking plan until muugen decided to fuck it up.
My vote counts for half on townies so we were gonna have my vote and flowers on drago then 2 other votes on Tobi. If drago is town as he claims he won’t die and Tobi will but I’m fine with either dying tbh because they both act scummy.
Muugen was on dragos case all day yesterday but suddenly he doesn’t wanna “gamble” with me being town when they are both scum or scummy to beggin with.
You wanted two votes on tobi two on Drago 4 people voting only to prove you have a vote that counts for half if they’re town if they weren’t it would still be 2:2 and it would go to 50/50 rng.

yes why would I wanted to gamble when your gamble yesterday was a bad play, you even admitted your own fault in this logic.

i gave my scum reads Drago and midnight were my two I could care less for tobi, I even had you on the fence since I was scumreading you eod yesterday.


When were you under the impression this game is..
You wanted two votes on tobi two on Drago 4 people voting only to prove you have a vote that counts for half if they’re town if they weren’t it would still be 2:2 and it would go to 50/50 rng.

yes why would I wanted to gamble when your gamble yesterday was a bad play, you even admitted your own fault in this logic.

i gave my scum reads Drago and midnight were my two I could care less for tobi, I even had you on the fence since I was scumreading you eod yesterday.
Why did drago trust me ? If the man is scum he won’t risk a 50/50 and yet he still trusts me, you are a newbie here so you don’t know how I play and that’s fair but your shooting your own foot rn and we had a great opportunity to have drago cleared and the shield scum may have been using to hide removed.
The fact that you started this is mind blowing , unless flower is scum and is lying about clearing you which can be true.
Guys I’d look into flower and muugen when I’m gone, somehow I’m starting to doubt flowers claim.
Also Tobi and kiwi/drago.

I legit have the power to make TAC useless.
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