From 600 till now, how many break weeks did we have. By that I mean ones that aren't Shounen Jump wide or holiday breaks but both Health breaks and mandated to Oda by SJ breaks
It probably has to do with her past. What if she had a different name back then. I doubt it means another name to the SH record, she isn't joining this very arc yet imo.
the title of the chapter makes it seem like yamatos saying ''im oden, also known as yamato'' so to the people that had the theory she was actually oden. you can leave
Yugi Pharaoh able to "transform/change body" to Yugi via millenium puzzle, like what Seth did to Kaiba.
what happen with Yamato, i think the "transform/change body" is because Yamato keeping his Journal.
because the journal isnt finished/The end, Oden's soul is live in Yamato's body. He trying to finish his journal.
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