US Presidental Race : 2020

Who is taking the US Presidential Election ?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 47 37.9%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 41 33.1%
  • Kanye West

    Votes: 36 29.0%

  • Total voters
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Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
I understand what you wanna way. But between lesser evils i'll chose lesser one

tho i love nuclear energy and we can dump nuclear waste in Australia it is empty and full of mutated creatures anyway
Have you seen the spiders down there? Kill them all...though nuclear wastes may cause them to grow to 50ft tall

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Have you seen the spiders down there? Kill them all...though nuclear wastes may cause them to grow to 50ft tall
That's the thing do. We send all nuclear waste to Australia, all animals mutate more and then Biden has an excuse to make giant robots which we can watch on TV to fight animals

Tax it , Add it , revenue like crazy
I work in this industry, so these kinds of things are really sore for my eyes. catded

Renewable energy is not clean - the shit you need to generate renewable energy - namely all the rare metals for it - pollute way more as they themselves need to be mined and prepared.

Yeah, there's no such thing as renewable energy, and everything the politicians claim to be "renewable" are not self-sustainable. It takes way more times the petroleum energy to produce the steel and mechanics to create and maintain solar panels, windmills, dams, etc, you name it.... and it takes even more to maintain those things, than the energy those things will create within their lifetime.

Solar panels and windmills use tons of aluminum and other non-renewable resources acquired by strip-mining the third world, and are not cost-effective at all, even in large numbers; they are obsolete long before they pay for themselves. Hell, it's questionable if the windmill or panel will even pay for itself before it wears out.

Renewable energy would be nice if our technology was efficient and productive enough, and if renewable energy wasn't so extremely unreliable and damn expensive to even replace a small portion of fossil fuel energy...

And hell, even if you ignore the purchase cost, it's even more questionable whether the reduced carbon emissions compared to producing a similar amount of power via fossil fuels would result in a sufficient impact on global warming to merit the environmental destruction of mining the materials to build the panel/windmill in the first place.

And even more... what about states that can't support the type of infrastructure that is required to sustain renewable energy.... I have an aunt who lives in California. California has the most renewable energy (they closed a bunch of power plants and went full green, iirc), yet my aunt tells me it also has the worst power grid, and the most blackouts.. clean renewable energy can't even power the whole state.

And don't get me started on hydro.
That shit's horrible.

I mean, sure, fossil fuel's bad.. Can we do something to combat it? Sure, we can try. But any attempts to do a lot of the environmental friendly stuff that are proposed are super irrational, unreliable, and expensive.
Idk what the context is but just letting you know Nat, if you ever see a spider and call me for help....I’m not gonna show up :shame:
You misunderstand, I'm offering you as the guinea pig for the huge spiders :pepedoffy:
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Yeah, there's no such thing as renewable energy, and everything the politicians claim to be "renewable" are not self-sustainable. It takes way more times the petroleum energy to produce the steel and mechanics to create and maintain solar panels, windmills, dams, etc, you name it.... and it takes even more to maintain those things, than the energy those things will create within their lifetime.

Solar panels and windmills use tons of aluminum and other non-renewable resources acquired by strip-mining the third world, and are not cost-effective at all, even in large numbers; they are obsolete long before they pay for themselves. Hell, it's questionable if the windmill or panel will even pay for itself before it wears out.

Renewable energy would be nice if our technology was efficient and productive enough, and if renewable energy wasn't so extremely unreliable and damn expensive to even replace a small portion of fossil fuel energy...

And hell, even if you ignore the purchase cost, it's even more questionable whether the reduced carbon emissions compared to producing a similar amount of power via fossil fuels would result in a sufficient impact on global warming to merit the environmental destruction of mining the materials to build the panel/windmill in the first place.

And even more... what about states that can't support the type of infrastructure that is required to sustain renewable energy.... I have an aunt who lives in California. California has the most renewable energy (they closed a bunch of power plants and went full green, iirc), yet my aunt tells me it also has the worst power grid, and the most blackouts.. clean renewable energy can't even power the whole state.

And don't get me started on hydro.
That shit's horrible.

I mean, sure, fossil fuel's bad.. Can we do something to combat it? Sure, we can try. But any attempts to do a lot of the environmental friendly stuff that are proposed are super irrational, unreliable, and expensive.
Preach. I have nothing to add. Hydro is an even bigger nightmare.
I can’t not express in words how much I hate Kamala Harris
Kamala Harris is your standard sellout politician that doesn't stand for anything but her own career and pocketbook. She's Hillary 2.0. They're like Obama but without any of the charisma.

The corporate overlords figured out to partially tranquilize the left that SHOULD challenge its authority by throwing them crap like "but look she's a woman of colour". And it's sad that so many people are buying into this, because it's quite clearly a distraction from the rich to stop any real fundamental change.

And this is the perennial playbook. Next up, woman president, gay president, trans president, native american president, asian president, etc... yet they'll all be corporate sellouts who don't differ in the slightest from any generic white, male politician. The second you challenge them on policy and ask them what they'll actually do they'll call you racist, bigoted, etc...
Kamala Harris is your standard sellout politician that doesn't stand for anything but her own career and pocketbook. She's Hillary 2.0. They're like Obama but without any of the charisma.

The corporate overlords figured out to partially tranquilize the left that SHOULD challenge its authority by throwing them crap like "but look she's a woman of colour". And it's sad that so many people are buying into this, because it's quite clearly a distraction from the rich to stop any real fundamental change.

And this is the perennial playbook. Next up, woman president, gay president, trans president, native american president, asian president, etc... yet they'll all be corporate sellouts who don't differ in the slightest from any generic white, male politician. The second you challenge them on policy and ask them what they'll actually do they'll call you racist, bigoted, etc...
Kamala Harris is your standard sellout politician that doesn't stand for anything but her own career and pocketbook. She's Hillary 2.0. They're like Obama but without any of the charisma.

The corporate overlords figured out to partially tranquilize the left that SHOULD challenge its authority by throwing them crap like "but look she's a woman of colour". And it's sad that so many people are buying into this, because it's quite clearly a distraction from the rich to stop any real fundamental change.

And this is the perennial playbook. Next up, woman president, gay president, trans president, native american president, asian president, etc... yet they'll all be corporate sellouts who don't differ in the slightest from any generic white, male politician. The second you challenge them on policy and ask them what they'll actually do they'll call you racist, bigoted, etc...
I saw tweet yesterday praising her for having pronouns in her bio
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Kamala Harris is your standard sellout politician that doesn't stand for anything but her own career and pocketbook. She's Hillary 2.0. They're like Obama but without any of the charisma.
Pokémon Go To The Polls!

Don’t you just love when out of touch boomers use memes and games to help their campaign?

And this is why one should know to keep memes out of serious political campaigns. Too bad some are too caught up on “being hip and cool with the kids” to get far. Too many companies are guilty of this.

*cough* *cough* Apple *cough* *cough* Disney *cough* *cough* Nintendo *cough* *cough* Sonic Twitter *cough* *cough*

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
Kamala Harris is your standard sellout politician that doesn't stand for anything but her own career and pocketbook. She's Hillary 2.0. They're like Obama but without any of the charisma.

The corporate overlords figured out to partially tranquilize the left that SHOULD challenge its authority by throwing them crap like "but look she's a woman of colour". And it's sad that so many people are buying into this, because it's quite clearly a distraction from the rich to stop any real fundamental change.

And this is the perennial playbook. Next up, woman president, gay president, trans president, native american president, asian president, etc... yet they'll all be corporate sellouts who don't differ in the slightest from any generic white, male politician. The second you challenge them on policy and ask them what they'll actually do they'll call you racist, bigoted, etc...
As I said, those Democrats are the foxes.
Lets try to be fair and judge Trump without any crazy hate.

-strengthening the economy starting from 2019
-made America energy independent
-gave a lot of jobs back to America
-cut taxes across the board
-started no wars and made North Korea and the Middle East stand down.
-dumped a ton of money(tax money) into the education system and struggling communities. -Recently gave the black community 500B thanks to Ice Cube

-severly increased the national debt(which would have led to tax increases sooner or later)
-severly crippled the working class by increasing their taxes and cutting taxes on the rich to fund his policies, lots of them never recovering.
-used force to make hostile countries stand down
-Isolating America from other counties by making them hate us with his undiplomatic approach
-Divided America because of his rude attitude and unprofessional/arrogant demeanor, which indeed influenced legit racist in the country.
-Horrible performance against COVID as he prioritized maintaining his economy instead of the people, which resulted in his economy going downhill anyways along with extra bodies.
You forgot something. The wall.

I heard people still found ways around it with ladders anyway. Which raises the question, what’s the point of building it when illegals will always find a way around it?
You forgot something. The wall.

I heard people still found ways around it with ladders anyway. Which raises the question, what’s the point of building it when illegals will always find a way around it?
It makes it harder as well as a discouragement/deterrent. Nothing is infallible. You don't need to be smart to realize that.
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Never forget Sandman, CNN is trash.
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