Anime & Manga Why Chopper is better than Sanji.

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Sanji used DJ on a random dude chopper didn’t go into MP because the homies
Bro he used Monster Point and got fodderized by a bunch of trees. And maybe he should start using it against fodder because nameless fodder from Capone's crew captured him like the fodder he is.
Perospero lol diffed the guy.
Why the hell are we comparing Chopper to Sanji? Just watch who Sanji will fight this arc and then compare it with who Chopper will fight.

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
Lanji is beta simp
Chopper is alpha male
We saw it on Zou where Chopper get respect like a king while Lanji need to run around and beg for "garacho" from female minks because they won't come to him unlike to alpha male chopper😎
Don't forget that Chopper adopt Carrot as his little sister while Carrot pet crying Lanji like a little kid

LMAO this show who above who in the SH's:cheers:


God No.
Chopper is borderline useless, whiny, and is annoying.
His "Monster" Point is cool, but has become a joke.
Chopper is the worst written Strawhat.
"Useless", "whiny", "Monster Point is a joke". Chopper saving Sunny and everyone in it from Prometheus prove that none of these things are true.
You are being off-topic. This thread is about Chopper's points over Sanji and how he isn't as bad as people paint him to be.
"Useless", "whiny", "Monster Point is a joke". Chopper saving Sunny and everyone in it from Prometheus prove that none of these things are true.
You are being off-topic. This thread is about Chopper's points over Sanji and how he isn't as bad as people paint him to be.
Funny talking about monster point being a joke while Sanji had DJ on a nameless fodder weaker than average marine
"Useless", "whiny", "Monster Point is a joke". Chopper saving Sunny and everyone in it from Prometheus prove that none of these things are true.
You are being off-topic. This thread is about Chopper's points over Sanji and how he isn't as bad as people paint him to be.
Chopper causing Pedro's death because he got caught by Perrospero.
Him shitting himself whenever someone strong shows up.
Him being useless until someone else does the heavy lifting.
Can someone threadban this member?
If your point is that Chopper is better than people give him credit for, than this post is the wrong way about going about it.
Whether you do or don't like the Character of Sanji, why even bring him into this?
Sanji has just as many points or more for him that he's better than Chopper. So why even compare the Two from the start.
These threads comparing two characters with the goal of one outshining the other is Retarded.



Chopper being a liability. resulting in Pedro's death.

Sanji attacking a Yonko directly.
Are you blaming Chopper by Pedro's death?
Pedro was going to die anyway. His participation of Sanji's rescue happened exactly in the story point where he would reach the end of his reduced lifespan. Pedro's sacrifice and the trouble with Perospero was a perfect intersection of story points.
Yeah,Chopper was subdued by Perospero. But he had a redemption by it shortly after. He took with his own body a attack from Perospero's leader and endured it,saving his ship and mates. Sanji couldn't do it,because he is as strong as glass physically and mentally.
If you call Sanji trying block someone leagues above Doflamingo,who he didn't crap against,and certainly not doing crap against this someone,superior to Chopper saving everyone from this same character,and also speak ill things unfairly of Chopper,so you're a toxic Sanji's fan refusing to give Chopper proper credit out of fear that it will disturb your filthy habit of put Sanji above Chopper not matter what.
"Pedro died because of Chopper" lol what nonsense is that?

If anything he died because of Judge's son!!!
Why in the dire times instead of being together with his crewmates, he instead chose to bake a cake that WiLl MaKe B1G MoM fAiNT. Judge's son with his fire kicks is the perfect counter for Perospero's candy. Had he been there instead cooking for the enemy, he would save Chopper and Brook with his fire kick. He would save the Sunny. Thus Pedro didn't have to sacrifice himself.

But nope. I will make a cake that w1Ll m4Ke bIg MoM faInT!!! Dumb Judge's son that sadly not as genius as his scientist father.

Pedro's death is 100% Judge's son fault. They all went to WCI in the first place also because of Judge's son fault for being kidnapped by the weakest Supernova.
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