"Pedro died because of Chopper" lol what nonsense is that?
If anything he died because of Judge's son!!!
Why in the dire times instead of being together with his crewmates, he instead chose to bake a cake that WiLl MaKe B1G MoM fAiNT. Judge's son with his fire kicks is the perfect counter for Perospero's candy. Had he been there instead cooking for the enemy, he would save Chopper and Brook with his fire kick. He would save the Sunny. Thus Pedro didn't have to sacrifice himself.
But nope. I will make a cake that w1Ll m4Ke bIg MoM faInT!!! Dumb Judge's son that sadly not as genius as his scientist father.
Pedro's death is 100% Judge's son fault. They all went to WCI in the first place also because of Judge's son fault for being kidnapped by the weakest Supernova.