Seriously, I wonder who is taking on the 5 F6 members lol. Supernova? Robin/Chopper/Franky/Brook? Are they even too weak? What about the BMP members still at large? For example Amande vs. Brook could be a good fight if elaborated on. Campote/Snack? Are Hotei/Fukurokuju going to play factors?
Yeah kinda try to find a fight pairing for the Flyers too. I think the low-mid Strawhats gonna fight them, I still think they are to weak to beat them in 1on1. But in same way I think they getting stronger during the battles and I kinda even hope haki skills by them.
The thing is:
Kaido is vs Group
Each Calamity vs group is probably happen
So a Flyer vs Group(Alliance+Strawhats) can happen too. Like Ulti vs 2-4 people and get defeated very hard. Something like this, the whole war screaming like we getting group fights, if even Luffy and co need help, I can imagine the same the thing for the weaker Strawhats too.
Because that I stll have hopes that weaker strawhats get their shine against the flyers, but only with group help.
Or carrot and wanda stronger than you thought
Of course a sulong make someone far stronger, I don't say Wanda and Carrot in sulongs are fodder, simple want Perospero to gain more hype as someone with 700mio and top member of Big mom,nothing less.