Who will eat the next L?

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Actually, 2nd. You missed the conversation a lots mate.
Yes Sanji is just a Cook didn't deserve mention along side Grandmaster Zoro, but I guessed Oda trying to tell us, Sanji is actually a fighter and a cook, that make him more important than Zoro.
Orochi will revive next chapter, finaly there will be an adversary for Zoro.
Zoro has trouble with Apoo, so Orochi will be 2 times weaker than Apoo, it will be still a hard match for zoro, but with some help from robin or chopper, he will win, and make wano great again.
Speaking of Orochi I wonder when it will be revealed that he survived thanks to his mythical devil fruit and what he will do now that he has lost all of his followers (except maybe Fukurokuju).


Kitetsu Wanker
I love how certain users said yesterday and the day before that Marco has lost this 1v1, but it's actually Big mom saying that she needs further tools to beat Marco and then going off herself, basically postpone the fight herself.
Certain user is too talented in sabotaging himself.
Textbook example of "talk shit, get hit".
A loudmouth who never learns.
No he doesn't

And what happened to:
Apoo is not even using haki and he is still greater than Zolo:suresure:

And if Apoo is using haki- his haki is greater than Zolo's:suresure:
Zoro is not even taking trashy Apoo seriously.
He wants to go and fight Kaido. Next chapter Marco gonna save Chopper and open the way for Zoro and X-drake to join Luffy. They don't have time for trashy Apoo who is only good at running and defense.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
She literally says she doesn't have a soul at the moment which is why she let him go. She wants to increase her power by taking his soul.

Marco was literally sweating and unable to do anything. Big L for you admiral fans. Tremendous L. Why do you think @Admiral Lee Hung went into hiding?:denzimote:

She would turn him into a homie. He isn't strong enough to tango with her.

Speed? She grabbed Marco 1v1 which means her combat speed >his. This same Marco could easily keep up with Akainu.

Haki? We haven't seen what she can do with haki.

His magma will do nothing to her. She doesn't even need to use haki to block the magma. She got hit with Zeus and shrugged it off. Lightning>>>> magma in terms of heat.
Who is hiding? Lol, I know reading comprehension is your weak point as most subtleties in OP which are meant for babies go straight over your head, so let’s go through this frame by frame.

Firstly, Marco and Big Mom clash as equals:

With Big Mom clearly looking scared of Marco in the bottom right panel while Marco doesn’t look deterred in the slightest.

Note that Big Mom is using her full power here and Marco still had the advantage as he wounds Prometheus, unlike Marco vs Akainu where Akainu was trying to kill an unconscious Luffy with his weakest attack and Marco blocked an attack meant for fodder while using barrier Haki when Akainu didn’t even know Marco was near him lol.

Marco needed barrier Haki to block Akainu’s weakest attack, but didn’t need Haki to outright win a clash vs full power Big Mom.

Then after Big Mom grabs Marco, Perospero has to double team Marco with big mom:

Notice that Marco is literally smiling as he clashes with Big Mom, and only shows concern when Perospero intervenes, as he knows he was winning against Big Mom 1v1, but as she needs one her of children to gain the advantage against a YC1, she had to play dirty.

Then, notice Big Mom’s look of sheer terror when her advantage disappears:

As she knows she cannot win this fight without Perospero and immediately runs away when he is taken out of the picture.

Compare this to Marco double teaming Akainu with Vista and still shitting himself in the process while accomplishing nothing:

And then Akainu later solo’ing Marco and his whole squad:

To Big Mom running away from Marco and Sulong Carrot and Wanda lmfao. This is yet another hardcore L for team Yonko. This is 10x more incriminating than Mihawk who postponed his fight vs Vista because he was bored lmfao.
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Marco KO'd Promotheus, so overpowered BM in the first exchange too. Fight got interrupted by Pero and then by Carrot and Wanda so we don't know how Marco would have countered. Then BM flees and thinks she doesn't have the assets to fight Marco right now.
He overpowered her weapon,not her(I doubt that anyone alive could overpower sane BM in straight clash given her physical strength).She would probably need time to take him out,given his DF abilities and thats why he will be pain in the ass to deal if he keeps staying on her ass.
No he doesn't

And what happened to:
Apoo is not even using haki and he is still greater than Zolo:suresure:

And if Apoo is using haki- his haki is greater than Zolo's:suresure:
So here's some common sense.

Pics was going to block Zoro with his skin covered in Haki.

That's different from covering an object with Haki.

If the Haki is the same, then obviously sword beats skin. Does sword block tonfa? Probably evens out.

If Haki is greater, then obviously the skin can take the damage. That's what that means.
He overpowered her weapon,not her(I doubt that anyone alive could overpower sane BM in straight clash given her physical strength).She would probably need time to take him out,given his DF abilities and thats why he will be pain in the ass to deal if he keeps staying on her ass. .
Yep Marco is far more of an annoyance than a threat to Big Mom and it's mostly because of his regeneration and the fact that his df seems to have an effect on at least Prometheus and possibly her other Homies. In terms of physical strength, resistance, haki and AP it's clear that he's far below her and she doesn't want to waste time with him.


Don't waste your time, it's like arguing with a flat-earther.
I don't like shutting anybody out. As long as it's respectful I don't mind discussing anything with anyone. Flat earther or S v Z wankers.

Also on medical leave from work and have time lol
But then gets hazzled by Garp's cannon balls. (I believe he said he could throw them twice as fast as the howitzers that fire them though he complained he could do better when he was younger). See how effortlessly Tashigig does it

If the cannonball exerts a certain force and Tashigi stops it in much less than a fraction of a second, then the force output she exerts would be the cannonball's momentum divided by the time it took for her to stop it.

And Tashigi uses shit leverage. She is essentially using only the closest leverage which is her hand and knuckle to stop the cannanball

Zoro can't do that pre TS. He can't even do it now I can bet. Tashigi is really strong

FFs Zoro fought Monet who used literal toothpicks weapon against him. It can't get much worse. Monet couldn't even bite through Tashigi when she was shownj being a monster that easily ripped off shoulders of the other marines
I mean Zoro cut multiple of Garp's cannon's casually, deflecting them wouldn't have needed more force.
Also this is the issue with PL when u divorce it from the situation. The SHs were running from Garp. So they evaded some cannons and coup de bursted the shit outta there lol

Also Zoro never fights women seriously. Again powerscaling independent of character motivations is not really accurate. I mean dude cut Pica who was as big as a mountain in the arc after, he could beat Monet with ease, but the whole fight was about how he didn't wanna beat her cause of his code against women. C'mon Crit I'm no power level guru but Zoro is stronger than Tashigi. I'm honestly surprised this is not consensus.
I'm surprised Oda had Nami get whooped like that. I feel bad for Nami, but it would have been worse for her to remain unscathed.

On the other hand, if you're gonna have Zoro get blocked by Apoo, why have him be there in the first place? Especially if he's using Enma. I doubt he's going all out, but still... His haki really isn't better than Apoo's?

The Marco vs. Big Mom stuff is weird. When it's convenient, Franky and Robin can "dispose" of BM, but when Marco has to do it, he gets clowned.
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