Who will eat the next L?

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You didn't get it at all.
All of the arguments you made with mental gymnastics are rebutable too, but I'm not gonna wasting my time for that. We are already in 2020, almost 2021.
The point is that anyone can made stupid arguments like yours, anyone can play that game and make a character look bad. Which is pretty dumb and only proves the mental age of some people.

Poor kid.

Stupid cmon try it I will beat you down your arguments are trash and your confidence is laughable I took on the entire OJ and they all escape when they see me you dont know me yet but Im the monster who devours kids like you while drinking my coffee


What a beast Marco is. Dude clashes equally with a Full power Yonkou and even overpowers one of her strongest tools

Well, he was in need for Vista's help attacking Akainu, but then again, Akainu is Akainu.
Grabbed in like seconds
Once grabbed, he can't even break free or do anything to hurt Linlin... Lost his willpower.
Treated as tertiary threat below Nami whom Linlin has taken more seriously.

Hurting Prometheus due his special flame
Not because he's strong in AP or haki.
Brook 2.0 lol

Until now, Linlin has not taken any YC seriously. She's more pissed getting saved by kata than Marco hurting prometheus or Queen headbutting her.

Post Marco best feat = Brook hurting homies
Secondary feat =< King kicking the ship

the dude that can beat Doffy or Cracker, can't dodge linlin while having CoO active.
He's obviously been thinking about it as he grew more mature,
What exactly has he been thinking about?

You're saying the philosophy of Women are just naturally weak is something Zoro subconsciously believes

But then this isn't actually true in Zoro experience is it? Kina was clearly stronger than him and he himself warned luffy about getting involved with big mom. He was willing to serve up Sanji on a plate to avoid fighting a woman.

So what's happening here? Is he just delusional? That he actively knows from experience that women can be powerhouses as much as any man but he's somehow delusional that thus philosophy he knows is wrong is still engraved in him for reasons?

Or maybe it's not the women are naturally weak, it's that women are just worth mercy, what Sanji thinks. Maybe this also Zoro's philosophy and then the question is, where did this come from?

Like where did Zoro get this idea that Women are just worth the benefit whether weak or strong? Did he get this off screen from nowhere? Is it just plain sexism that sipped in from the culture around him?

Which of the two exactly is Zoro about? Because the Koshiro philosophy has clear holes considering he factually knows it's untrue. And the Sanji philosophy comes from nowhere apparently and is then disproven a number of times.

See the problem here. Oda chooses things for the sake of tone and plot over character. For example we both agree that if Zoro were to fight Smoothie, he'd go all out and cut her down leaving her in a bloody pool right?. So Oda WILL NEVER show this. Oda will not have his male protagonist cut down a woman in this extremely violent way despite it being very clearly within Zoro's character. Because plot and tone dictate what type of situations characters get into.

Luffy can comically send alvida flying because it's funny on panel. Zoro CANNOT cut down Tashigi because it's extremely disturbing and violent. It's supposedly the same thing, the two main characters have defeated a woman. But one implies completely different things visually than another.

Technically sending alvida flying across the horizon is MUCH more destructive force than simply cutting Tashigi across the chest right? Technically Alvida has taken nor damage. And yet one looks like comedy, the other looks like horror. So one will happen and the other will not.

Zoro as far as everything we've seen doesn't prescribe to either Koshiro or Sanji's way of thinking but the story dictates that he cannot be shown cutting down a woman where it's a weak woman or a strong one. And so Zoro will never fight a strong woman like Smoothie and he'll just fuck around with monet a weak woman. Because plot said so. Not because his character did
lol calm down fam

Take a breather if u need
Needa fucking kill myself man. I've had my complaints but jesus christ, this shit is ruining me. I one day want to become a manga writer/artist or a comic writer/artist. I have my insecurities and watching fuckers like this shit all over it because it doesn't fulfil their headcanon is absolute bullshit, honestly fucks my motivation. I see one piece as beautiful art with a pretty well fleshed out story behind it, yes it has its inconsistencies which are becoming more apparent with odas age but it is still eye candy for someone who wants to be drawing to a standard of a mangaka
People debating about trivial things such as that usual S vs Z stuff but seriously, that Marco vs Big Mom clash sent a shockwave which dwarfed the mountains there!

I think this is quite note worthy; sure, Marco couldn't free himself from that grab but it is amazing that he managed to keep up with Big Mom's power that good.
Post automatically merged:

But he did not kill him, nor we know he was transported

So he got up on his own legs basically for all we know
Bro wtf are you on about lol.

Does Kizaru need to kill his opponents in order to neg diff them by a single hit? Lmao.
Why is it so hard to believe Marco trashed Prometheus when even Brook was able to trash Zeus and Napoleon:choppawhat:

We legit have a panel with someone calling Sanji the second strongest SH now. Even more evidence that he’s the Vice Captain
Queen didn’t specify which one was the second strongest. Oda messing with people’s head. :milaugh: The Sanji vs Jinbe debate is settled, at least.
Marco overpowered Big mom who is Kaido's equal.

I thought Marco has weak AP?
I know you are at damage control as you should be

... but overpowering prometheus with flames is not really same as overpowering Big Mom

there gonna be another big mom Vs Marco soon or later ... wait for then for some actual fire backs mate ...

for now ... let Big Mom fandom enjoy the chapter ... they earned it
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