Who will eat the next L?

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Queen and Who'sWho beat up Drake so by most users logic here Drake>Queen lol. And Drake with Zoro's help still couldn't finish Apoo off even when Apoo didn't use his df. Hakiless Apoo casually blocked Zoro's haki attack with Drake and that makes Apoo>Zoro+Drake>Drake>Queen. :kaidowhat:
Stop embarrassing yourselves.
It was shown only queen was the one who had his weapon out which means he was the only one fighting Drake.
And he actually low diffed Drake unlike Zolo and Drake who can't even scatch Apoo

Stop embarrassing yourself:suresure:
I like the Drake x Zoro combo. They're cool together and their personalities are similar.

It's just a skirmish with Apoo not really a fight, sucks that every panel is beaten to death with power level over analysis.

It's a breath of fresh air combo and no one cares lol
I don't know how this universal system of power levels caught on. It's dumb how 90% of everyone misses the point but it's their loss

Zoro:Oh no, you cant hit her, she is a woman.NOOOO.
Zoro fanboys:``Hahahaha look at Sanji, he doesnt fight women, hahahaha``.:nicagesmile:
Zoro fights women. But even if he didn't it's not the worst. Worst is in allowing them to beat you when it counts or nearly dying when you see some tits.
Defeated and got caught by Hody and his men.
Defeated by Yeti Cool Brothers.
Woke up AFTER Sanji in Nami's body.
Pica ignored him like a fly and went with Doffy since he called him.
Pica ignored him again like a fly and went after Riku.
Failed to deal any relevant damage to Pica in where his df was useful even after saying before that a "soprano stone like you is trash".
Needed help to reach Pica.
Carrot, a 14 year old teen girl, dodged him casually and put him in great difficulties.
Failed to keep his promise to Kinemon and exposed himself.
Lost his sword Shusui.
Tied with a mentally unstable Killer.
Claimed to kill Orochi and failed blatantly.
Couldn't protect by himself Tonoyasu's daughter and asked for Sanji's help.
Can't deal with a guy of his status besides having the help of another one and tons of other people backing up.
Tossed to floor by Queen like an insect.

Anyone one can play at this game of mental gymnastics :suresure:
the pica who said fly to him was slashed like an soprano :gokulaugh:
so Pica argument disproved
beat Killer brutally overpowered him
Yeah he had to fight Denjiro and he wasnt flatted like Sanji everytime after TS
He didnt ask him for help he jsut wanted pass the girl to him so he can freely roam around and Sanji also past her to another one disproved

In the end he fought an Admiral and pushed him back what did Sanji do to Doflamingo ? he didnt even last 10 seconds


Kitetsu Wanker
Congratulations, @Inflamed Haki @kurwa you bois have mastered the ability think Zoro, eat Zoro, sleep Zoro.
You may join the Temple as supreme Zoro-tards.
@critical mindset you should take some notes from these bright individuals.

OK ... I know people gonna deny it cause it's Big Mom ... but Marco was fucked in that fight ... the only reason he is still alive is that big mom don't give a fuck about him
but again
I feel some respect from Big Mom to Marco nonetheless
The guy who has the ability to neutralize any and all damage was fucked?

People still think Zoro is above Oden top 4 retainers lol
People still think that Zoro is the strongest in the entire alliance. What's changed? :catsure:

critical mindset

1) It wasn't instantaneous, it's manga so it's a still frame bro lol that's why I posted the anime scene
2) How is this struggling to cut Garp's cannon ball?!! It's casual. And like u said it's freaking Garp. He's a monster, did u see the giant ball he lifted after this?!
3) Basing a judgment on the difference between them in physical strength based on simply this cannon business is really weird. Like it's very ticky tacky. We've seen Zoro do monstrous physcical strength feats that blow away stopping the momentum of a cannon ball lol

4) I didn't address the Sanji vs Vergo situation cause I don't understand ur point
(1) she can only have that control if she stops it first, that’s why Oda made the point of her having a fully outstretched arm

(2) It’s still a gap difference. Zoro has never shown he can stop cannon bolls in this easy fashion Tashigi does. For reference he did struggle against Harp’s cannonballs that were flying much faster tHan Marine battleship howitzer, yet you have pirate ships battling the same howitzwrs and Tashigi stops their shots casually

(3) Tashigi did that too. Why is it not a monstrous feat to hold down Monet’s monster form when Luffy gets restrained by Minet when she is in her base form? Same Monet that fought Zoro with toothpick weapons. Look at just how differently Monet fought Tashigi when she fights Zoro with literal needles weapons (Monet can not even fit her tongs around the needle weapon so she doesn’t even have proper grip, hence why she is not using her whole upper body strength like Zoro). Literally you can’t make Zoro look worse than this

(4) here’s what I mean
And read what I wrote earlier in the thread about how Vergo was literally toying with Sanji. Yesterday I posted several
Panels of this again and again such that the mods got angry with me. I’m sure you’ll wind them. Then compare with how Tashigi takes a haki punch and doesn’t get any bones broken or get KOd when we know Sanji should (Zoro should)
the pica who said fly to him was slashed like an soprano :gokulaugh:
so Pica argument disproved
beat Killer brutally overpowered him
Yeah he had to fight Denjiro and he wasnt flatted like Sanji everytime after TS
He didnt ask him for help he jsut wanted pass the girl to him so he can freely roam around and Sanji also past her to another one disproved

In the end he fought an Admiral and pushed him back what did Sanji do to Doflamingo ? he didnt even last 10 seconds
You didn't get it at all.
All of the arguments you made with mental gymnastics are rebutable too, but I'm not gonna wasting my time for that. We are already in 2020, almost 2021.
The point is that anyone can made stupid arguments like yours, anyone can play that game and make a character look bad. Which is pretty dumb and only proves the mental age of some people.

Poor kid.
Ok guys so wheres the Zoro vs Queen ? He mentioned Zoro as well did he not ?

Keep the same energy
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Also goes to show when Urouge and Barto thpught Zoro was Vice Captain....it was all due to Bounty.

Now finally a Calamity is seeing Sanji like that. I cant wait for the arguments:steef:
You mean queen talking specific ally about judge doesn't imply something?

Urouge talks about Zoro because he watched him in action. Remember

Lion of Olympus

The Prince of Power
Congratulations, @Inflamed Haki @kurwa you bois have mastered the ability think Zoro, eat Zoro, sleep Zoro.
You may join the Temple as supreme Zoro-tards.
@critical mindset you should take some notes from these bright individuals.

The guy who has the ability to neutralize any and all damage was fucked?

People still think that Zoro is the strongest in the entire alliance. What's changed? :catsure:
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