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Teach ending up as strongest........
The sole fact that he has stuffed strongest fruitS into himself should tell you that he is weak even with 2 most powerful fruits...
There is also the fact that Luffy will lose good part of his arsenal and still beat him.
The fact that g2 hakiless luffy did a number on him, the fact that WB took him down in two hits... Teach is far from strongest.
Nobody will ever be stronger than Kaido.
Primebeard and Roger were and forever will be stronger than Kaido. EOS Luffy and EOS Teach will 100% also be stronger.

So yeah, Teach will be stronger than Kaido at some point.
What special did yonkous get?

Everything shouldn't be seen with power level context

Yonkous movement (forming alliance or going against them)disrupt balance of power severely.

Whereas abolishing warlord system didn't because WG has something to replace the system.
so you’re saying mihawk is replaceable while the marines lose their shit when a pirate becomes a yonko or a yonko is defeated


Zoro Worshipper
I want to see Yamato's transformed form and see how Kaido is beating the stuffing out of the Scabbards, but I think the real highlight of this chapter is Sanji simping for Black Maria :steef:
I want Yamato to spit flames, that'd be truly bewildering honestly.

But I agree on the Scabbards matter. I can't believe that Oda sensei dragged the trashing for so long and even let Kinemon injure Kaido, but Oda did it for show's sake and didn't care about power levels in that fragment.

At least he was consistent with the Kiku event.
I don't think that Mihawk would lie out of cowardice.

After all he straight up matched Whitebeard, considered by manies still the strongest around, which means courage is not a Mihawk defect.

If he stated that it's because he truly thought that Shanks would not have been too much of a match for him.
Main power of Shanks is his will and ability to be confident in his and others power level progression, while Mihawk has less room for improvement. He stoped fighting him, may be because at the time he was a bit superior, but knew that if he continued, in the long run, Shanks would have beaten him and the outcome would be drastic as "the WSS has been beaten by a one handed sword man".
So he said that to protect himself in the long run.
again you don't take the full sequence :
BM asks for help maybe but that's because of the DF of Marco and not his power while Oden is DFless and banged Kaido.
And when you take the full sequence you see that 2 seconds later, BM is ganging alone on Marco.
Same for Kaido vs Luffy : 2 seconds later he gang on him.
While the sole full sequence we have between Oden and Kaido is that Oden ganged him so much that Kaido needed an exterior trick to beat him.
Take the whole sequence of a fight when you compare, seriously.
Exactly, you not taking into account that Kaido was in Dragon form, shown to be his weakest, so why should i take into account what BM says. It seems you want to be an hypocrite. BM just grabs Marco, grabbing someone doesn't finish a fught especially Marco who can regen.


So you actually believe that teach who is Pk level opponent of Luffy won't be stronger than kaido who is going down way before Raftel lmao
Teach isn't PK level .
Teach will surpass Yonko soon but he isn't above any Yonko now

Where the hell did you see Teach be PK level?
The dude is still acquiring power and building himself to battle Shanks and win

Both Teach and Luffy are rising
Teach will surpass shanks soon and be equl to Kaido/WB/Linlin
While Luffy will enter yonko level soon

Nobody cares about what I believe or what you believe
What OP characters think and know is what is fact about Yonko.
Teacg is a newbie, shanks the youngest but stronger than Teach, linlin equals kaido who's top 1.
Teach ending up as strongest........
The sole fact that he has stuffed strongest fruitS into himself should tell you that he is weak even with 2 most powerful fruits...
There is also the fact that Luffy will lose good part of his arsenal and still beat him.
The fact that g2 hakiless luffy did a number on him, the fact that WB took him down in two hits... Teach is far from strongest.
Nobody will ever be stronger than Kaido.
you must be smoking something if you think teach isn’t becoming top 1 or top 2 by eos
Main power of Shanks is his will and ability to be confident in his and others power level progression, while Mihawk has less room for improvement. He stoped fighting him, may be because at the time he was a bit superior, but knew that if he continued, in the long run, Shanks would have beaten him and the outcome would be drastic as "the WSS has been beaten by a one handed sword man".
So he said that to protect himself in the long run.
Mihawk the pussy-ass virgin pretending the chad Shanks is too weak for him. Shoulda known! Thanks for the deep analysis.
See this is where yall confuse yourself. Do you take statements/potrayal or do you take feats. We seen that Mihawk is WSS stated in Marineford, by Zoro and title card's. Are you saying thats false. If so then we got to go through 900 chapters and i could puck and chose whats false
it's Oda game for keeping fandom alive

one piece is about " point of view Vs reality"
some times world point of view is reality and sometimes a lie ... we can never know ...

I'm not sure about others ... but for me ...

I try to separate my point of view form what manga told us so far .. like with Shanks and Kaido

I think Shanks is stronger
but I accept Kaido have better claim

and in terms of feats or statements .... I think for people in same level : clear statements and feat > expected statements and feat
but again meaning of clear can be unclear .... cause to me WSS is unclear ... cause we don't know how it can be earn and what it prove and to you it means a clear statement ... and I think both of us right .... cause both of us have point of view not reality

it's not an easy thing to do ...

but I guess at least ... Kaido > Shanks or Mihawk .... is much easier thing to clarify ... cause he both have clear feats and unclear great (best) statements ... at least better than both of them

and only more screen time can change that
I understand it the other way around tbh.
That Mihawk understood that Shanks was so low inhibit and confident about his power - and its progression rate - and place in the world and the piratery that he didn't cared to make a bet with a kid for the future of which he could have a strong opponent to fight - if luffy decided to grow as he did bet - and thus that Shanks was so confident to fight mihawk with one hand only.
I see it well as a way to cope, since the outcome would be drastic for mihawk.
And story was right, Mihawk stayed dog of the WG, while shanks became Yonko with the strongest COC to exist.
Akainu a dog of WG. What does saying that have to do with his strength. Oda says Mihawk WSS in name and actuality. Multiple times his title card introduces him has such. How the hell do you get Shanks is a better Swordsman.
Exactly, you not taking into account that Kaido was in Dragon form, shown to be his weakest, so why should i take into account what BM says. It seems you want to be an hypocrite. BM just grabs Marco, grabbing someone doesn't finish a fught especially Marco who can regen.
how come it doesn't finish a fight, Marco was ready to die and stated it.
While all we have from the Oden sequence is him humilating Kaido. Again i'm not taking into account headcannons of hybrid forms or whatever, just the pics that were shown. If you have pics where Kaido had the upper hand in any form or shape without tricking, i'll admit kaido was stronger.
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