Ok lol. Sanji is the only reason I havent dropped. If he looks shit this arc, im just gonna drop it.
Lol you didnt dropped it when he couldnt break the steel door in PH ?
You didnt dropped it when he was switched to a woman body ?
when he was bested in his master disicpline a leg duell ?
When he was beaten by viola ?
Stomped by Doflamingo ?
needed Brooks help for Sheepsheard ?
was overpowered by Daifuku ?
in his own arc dedicated to him he was just the cook and didnt beat any major enemy ?
couldnt beat P1 ´?
Drake overpowered him ?
Till now Sanji was nothing but shit shit but this is the redline for you now ?!
are you sleeping Sanji is shit Jinbe replaced him in the top three if Yamato joins them Sanji will fall to number 5
if you wanted to drop it you should have done it long ago lol lmao