Who Got More Hype This Chapter

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Well he lifts the island because of his DF, not with his basic strenght. And we need to wait for the panels to see if actually the thing marco saw when big mom ran away is not maybe a science tech who help to lift the island.
If you still think an admiral, yonkou will low diffs zoro when we are 85% of the story, better drop this manga lmao!
Because Shanks is probably not capable to lift an island but still compared to kaido so ...
the feat is still one of if not the best we have seen in the manga

I think there's still Elbaf, road star island, raftel, and final war arcs, so there's still time for him to reach Kaido level

maybe he wont be a low diff fight after this arc, safe assumption is he will be able to push him to mid diff in a 1vs 1

Shanks can do some other crazy stuff for sure
Shanks existed before Ryuma ... as one of the first people Oda ever created ... :)

but exist in Oda's mind or a publish page is not same as "SET UP"

Ryuma is a cool dude ... but his legend is not that important for plot tbh ... killing Dragon is not even his main legends as you guys said over and over ...
Ryuuma was created before Shanks, 1994 vs 1996, it's not rocket science...
Ok lol. Sanji is the only reason I havent dropped. If he looks shit this arc, im just gonna drop it.
Lol you didnt dropped it when he couldnt break the steel door in PH ?
You didnt dropped it when he was switched to a woman body ?
when he was bested in his master disicpline a leg duell ?
When he was beaten by viola ?
Stomped by Doflamingo ?
needed Brooks help for Sheepsheard ?
was overpowered by Daifuku ?
in his own arc dedicated to him he was just the cook and didnt beat any major enemy ?
couldnt beat P1 ´?
Drake overpowered him ?

Till now Sanji was nothing but shit shit but this is the redline for you now ?!
are you sleeping Sanji is shit Jinbe replaced him in the top three if Yamato joins them Sanji will fall to number 5

if you wanted to drop it you should have done it long ago lol lmao
Likes: yj


The Honoured One
I think Zoro fandom played a very risky game in this arc

they set the bar way too high for Zoro with things like ZKK , or Zoro beat Kaido

that means

No matter how many good and epic moment Zoro have in this arc , you guys opened yourself to be trashed if Zoro don't beat or Kill Kaido ... why?!
Would be too easy to set the standards that low, since we already knew that he was going to pop off heavily in Wano. "We can't only ourselves to be ordinary"

So therfore we go with the toughest option, with the greatest payoff.

Also- ZKK is cannon.
Ok lol. Sanji is the only reason I havent dropped. If he looks shit this arc, im just gonna drop it.
More or less my situation. I do care for the void century, the WG and so on but Oda is not willing to reveal something about so soon and that makes the serie almost unreadable, on a weekly base, for me.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Is there a reason why Kaido so badly wants to make Onigashima the new capital? Folks are trying to kill him and he's busy carrying an island
That's because he doesnt see them as threats and is just carrying on with his initial plan after murderstomping the scabbards.
I really think BM is backstabing kaido, and soon. The O'lin shit is coming back, with a vengeance.

@Light D Lamperouge i forgot to ask you this last week but since it appears that yamato has advcoa 2, the barrier/projection one, do you reckon Kaido might have it too?
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