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Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
Kaido’s cloud ability is so stupidly OP that it breaks logic. How is he doing it without being in Dragon form or even looking like he’s doing something? He’s just standing there super casually. Anyways this is also an L for the “Dragon Kaido is more durable than Base Kaido” crowd because Base Kaido clearly still has access to his dragon powers
Luffy said "with this I can break through Kaido's scales" and he fought both forms. Base Kaido could have scales but Dragon Kaido has visible, thicker scales. Dragon Kaido should logically be tougher.

Marco could also his Phoenix powers in human form. Queen, Ulti and P1 also had that quick zoan recovery in human form.

Kaido's clouds seem OP for war scenarios and 1v1s against non logias. It'd be OP if he could use them to trap people in place which brings up the question: What the hell are those clouds made of?
the point is that Zoro got so much flak because of gifters thing and now Sanji is getting it because of his fans....they have to take it at this point and endure it for few weeks until Sanji gets good feat just like how Zoro fans took it...oh, btb nice username...."Luffywankishere"....:kata::cheers:
What can I say. I'll wank Luffy till the sun comes up. Luffy is approaching Yonko level if he isn't already there don't @ me. heh
Killer did the same thing though. Gyukimaru attacked him from behind and he missed which lead to Killer surprise attacking Zoro.
Zoro saw Killer coming and couldn't do anything about it. That doesn't make Zoro any weaker than Killer it just means that he was caught off guard. It has happened to many characters and it's something you shouldn't count. Zoro would not have taken this hit if he was focused on Killer in their mostly 1 on 1 fight. Most people agree and cut Zoro some slack here. Why can't you cut Apoo the same slack? It was also a surprise attack that he saw coming that he couldn't do anything about.

Zoro was an idiot and assumed Gyukimaru would not attack. Im not cutting Zoro slack on that part at all, he even said he got hit due soley to him being naive.

Apoo saw Zoro coming right in front of his eyes. The second thing was him and drake both tried to sneak attack Apoo earlier, when they both first encountered him and he was easily able to dodge both. This situation is no different IMO


Bald Spoiler Provider
Black Maria: (I have a weak spot/I get weak in the knees) for bad boys (Puck Note - i.e the word Maria uses for "boy" here is a bit of an emasculating term)

Did she find out Sanji's Okama connection? :josad:
no shes calling him a boy instead of a man r u brain dead how did u come to that conclusion
Luffy said "with this I can break through Kaido's scales" and he fought both forms. Base Kaido could have scales but Dragon Kaido has visible, thicker scales. Dragon Kaido should logically be tougher.

Marco could also his Phoenix powers in human form. Queen, Ulti and P1 also had that quick zoan recovery in human form.

Kaido's clouds seem OP for war scenarios and 1v1s against non logias. It'd be OP if he could use them to trap people in place which brings up the question: What the hell are those clouds made of?
Pure big dick energy
It isn't about him passing out. It's about him getting hit and taking heavy damage that nerfed him for a better part of the arc. Zoro never would've taken that hit if not for the surprise attack. Right or Wrong?
But that has nothing like Apoo's situation since unlike Zoro, Apoo hasn't shown feats to keep up with Ittoryu style and his Armament haki isn't capable of withstanding one of Zoro's serious, full-fledged attack considering his Tonfas broke, while Zoro's swords wouldn't break or even chip from Killer's assault.
So Zoro cheapshotted Apoo while he was fighting Drake, same as Yamato did ulti.
You were actually right about this @Fuckthis3

But hey Drake was legit surprised by that feat even though Apoo was distracted so it means something.

So Zoro says Kaido is the strongest in the world again, I guess Zoro doesn't Know shit or is retarded? :milaugh:
The guy who trained with Mihawk says Kaido is the strongest Lol,time to accept it :cheers:
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