I am not entirely on top of what investigative results and flavour have been claimed, but here's a readlist:
Osieorb18 - Town Heinkel
Midnight - Town Alphonse
Law/Flower - Town Hawkeye
Zara - Town Mustang
Tris - Town Mei Chang
Light - Good look in their posts, seem to be analyzing and applying pressure well. I almost think as scum they wouldn't claim the random transport.
Marimo (Zampano) - After their first readlist, I feel their reads got better. Their claim is great timing.
Kiwipom (Winry) - They do seem to be sorting throughout the game. Their claim is quite early, but not offensively paced out. Feels very pure.
Jew D Boy - Cop Claim. Reasonably credible. A little lower just because it's easy to claim as scum, but for now, taking it seriously.
Yo Tan Wa - Somewhat low activity, but a sense of earnestness and attempt to be more active. I feel like I should probably be more paranoid here than I am.
Fuji - Was looking good, but sus attempt to end the phase early. Probably still town...
Queen - While they have been sus, the Izumi claim seems potentially legit.
Melon (Armstrong) - Okay claim. I was rather meh on this slot to start, but I sorta think they're okay. This could be a false claim.
Rayan (Marcoh) - I don't HATE their posts, but I don't have much feeling here. Their claim is probably actually okay. Unlike Tobi, they didn't claim to self-protect.
Tobi - Entirely useless in the thread. Claim is self-protective plus roleblock of Lanji. Not really anything particularly townie here outside of possible flavour.
Sera - Pointless fight with Flower is their only content, and it doesn't feel T/T.
Seth - Seth is so openly disengaged that nothing would hurt about eliminating them.
Final - Claimed Neutral Lynchproof. They've been scummy throughout and we should find a way to eliminate/kill them as soon as realistically possible.
Pica - Neutral Kimblee
Lanji - Scum Sloth