Brah, Lanji joined me on a Mel lynch wagon planting the seeds that she may be town when she flips, then after when i changed my mind and provided a case on why Mel might not be it. He asked us what if her claim was fake, aint no scum gonna try to restart a wagon on his scummate.
Mel/Jew is linked
Lust/gluttony/wrath are confirmed in this game due to role sheets and abilities.
Yo/Kiwi/Rayan are left out of the lot if you arent scum( which i dont think you are)
Rayan can prove himself apparently today with zara, Yo has been overly concerned about the current goings and made huge reads lists.
Kiwi claimed winry and was only ''confirmed by scum Queen( and these two sure as hell can plan this stuff to give kiwi town cred, especially after she was sussed early on for defending TAC( would make sense if she was mafia, as practically 90% of the rest of the players would have a chance of being town) and her general off vibe she gave off day 1. Also her and light were fighting, a lot so would give us info on Light.
@Zara @Seraphoenix read this.
@Yo Tan Wa can you tell us a name of any ability you may have?