The short term writing is not better, jesus these arcs are terrible and way longer than any of them ever should. Long term? Maybe but the plot isn't that complex so its p easy to be good at long-term writing.
Are you fucking talking to me about characters dying in a OP to Naruto comparison? NO ONE DIES IN OP not a single soul, they'll even throw around words like kill and dead but then magically everyone's A-okay and its a complete utter bullshit. I can name drop right now
-Angel Bitch's Dad
-Anyone that was defeated in the Skypea arc
-Princess's guard
Like literally no one dies in OP and its part of the reason why its such a joke, I'm well aware that changes for a major character but literally it has such little levity it feels like a cartoon.
Are you fucking talking to me about characters dying in a OP to Naruto comparison? NO ONE DIES IN OP not a single soul, they'll even throw around words like kill and dead but then magically everyone's A-okay and its a complete utter bullshit. I can name drop right now
-Angel Bitch's Dad
-Anyone that was defeated in the Skypea arc
-Princess's guard
Like literally no one dies in OP and its part of the reason why its such a joke, I'm well aware that changes for a major character but literally it has such little levity it feels like a cartoon.
The OP series is very complex....if you understood story telling, themes etc like you claim, you'd know this.
Also, you keep defending Naruto by saying it only fell off the mark in the war arc as if it changes the fact that the the series got riddled with plot holes, inconsistencies, bad story telling, false themes etc? Naruto was falling off the mark before then and the author himself admitted this.