Why you lots keep putting Zoro and Sanji together? I swear this play is pretty obvious to me, those wishing for Sanji to be seen as this powerful character would always try to lamp the 2 together so Sanji can ride on Zoro's coattail of feats and portrayal.
Zoro is a guaranteed top tier by EoS, the same can't be said about Sanji. Not to mention Zoro is consistently portrayed as a powerhouse by Oda and isn't dragged down as hype tool.
Nothing, literally nothing post skip put Zoro and Sanji in any comparable manner strength wise, yet one always read how Zoro and Sanji are on the same level. What gives.
Zoro gets amazing feats arc after arc while Oda has mostly used Sanji as a hype tool post skip, yet there'll be noises about Sanji and Zoro being on the same level. And the reason being supposedly this bizarre idea from certain people that Oda intends to have them as rival in strength as if he personally told them that.
Stop dragging Zoro with Sanji. Zoro's feats and portrayal don't extend to Sanji, stop this coattail riding, it's ridiculous.