I can't gauge Black Maria level
Is she closer to WsW or closer to P1?
Exactly, that's my confusion too. I feel like Page 1 doesn't need a tag team and it would be cool to give Chopper his solo fight like in the past.
Robin and Brook fighting together only works and seems cool to me because of their personalities and Black Maria being this giant spider-zoan that might require a tag team type fight.
That said, its possible Robin and Brook fight Ulti and Page 1 respectively. Like its very possible Black Maria is the weakest F5 member and Robin stops Ulti instead, while Nami/Usopp find Sanji. Page 1 is weird, I personally have gravitated towards chopper since P1 fights like a monster would almost, similar to Chopper, but its also possible Brook stops him.
Not sure right now. Jinbe vs. WsW being more permanent than I thought (with them knowing each other) is surprising but I think that may give Jinbe way more characterization because of it, so I'm very happy. Rather than just Fishman vs. Fishman fight with Jack but no past, we seem to be getting something personal between these 2. This is why I'm also adamant on Sanji vs. Queen, it pays off the narrative.