Who will Zoro Cut (not the fish Kaido)

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Lazy is the way
Linlin was stupid enought to go with one ship to wano...she didn't mind Navy interfernce or fighting Kaido.

the same woman that takes actions straight when her scs fall... unlike WB who waist years to avenge thatch or Oden but fails

Just accept that WB isn't great as you make him to be. WBO have been lying to the world
Propaganda about his health ,powerlevel and being honorary to payback if you mess with his family.
Imagine that Linlin hadn't that kind of bound with Kaido : her move to go to Wano with just one ship would have been stupid. She would have faced Orochi force + Kaido force with a strong but small unit : she would have been screwed.

And this prove that Linlin values more her reputation than the lives of her crew. And she was very wrong to do that move because she would lose all her crew toi Kaido without her past relationship.

Obviously she takes action if one of her SC is doomed IN HER OWN capital. If you beat Ace at 300m of him trust me WB will quake your ass too, this is just obvious.

Nothing to crédit linlin here.

Yeah WB didn't want to mess with Kaido to avenge Oden death, if Owen was alive and captured WB would have saved him asap.


You can't win
@Bogard Tfw Cavendish is so irrelevant that Ace can’t even remember his name, but he can remember all Law, Kid, and Bege’s names despite them literally just starting their careers while Cavendish has been a pirate for 3 years longer :josad:
He heard of his name, not like Drake, Hawkins, Urouge, Apoo, etc who were so irrelevant they didn't even make it to his ears... :josad:

Fallen Prince

Whitebeard deciding not to go to Wano to avenge Oden is terrible writing actually. It completely contradicts who WB is as a character. It's Oda attempting to fill a plot hole that was created in the Oden flashback and actually making things when worse and hurting Whitebeard's development in Marineford. Oda is writing One Piece for 10 year old boys so he knows that they won't notice or care.
Yes , fans will keep defending author are lame though.
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