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Kitetsu Wanker
Is nobody gonna mention how Zoro put Killer down easier than Kaido did? :sanmoji:
Also, dont shit on King, you should know better than that... He will be the reason why Kaido gets to live a bit longer.

Watch Oda explain that Law got stronger by being hit with a sea stone nail in Kuri and later sea stone cuffed for many days in the capital.
The size of his room surely doesn't affect his life force any more.
-Kid did sea stone training and weight lifting simultaneously ,probably has some crazy Df ability up his sleeve.
-Killer got stronger by regaining his ambition,getting back his weapons and some off screen training.
All 3 were YC level the whole time.
Law was victim of plot, cant look good when Luffy is there.
Kidd is comparable to Luffy.
Killer had the bad luck to meet Zoro.
Jinbe is now Sanji's main rival
That would be Franky and Robin.
Zoro does not have Conquerors Haki and only 4 people have will have Advanced Conquerors Haki. Luffy, Shanks, Roger and Dragon.
CoC cannot be trained and only improves with the character's growth.
Since Zoro will be one of the strongest characters, if not the strongest, you know what that means for his CoC. :finally:
Drake is stronger than Killer...come on bro! Drake ll fuking face Queen! He is the captain to the sword group, he got some feat, the tobi ropo WhoWho asking to Drake if he want to become an all star, meaning WhoWho know that Drake is a beast.
It is normal that Drake was shocked to see our GrandMaster but he is a special case :steef:
Al those lines from Who's who and asking Drake if he thinks he will be the next calamity was just to setup Drake in an ambush later.

Nothing there was powerlevel related lol.

Depending on Killer's performance against the emperors,he can be stronger than Drake .
I think it needs to be pointed out that this does not indicate final battle type matchups yet. For Luffy/Kid/Law, yes, but we have no idea how Jack, Queen and King are going to be handled yet

Yes I see Marco clashing with both King/Queen, but he's been a staller in this War since the beginning. I don't think Oda is setting him up for any sort of fight tbh, just being the nudge that allows others to succeed.

Guaranteed there will be tons of shifts in this Kaido fight. Shit has the potential to last all of 2021 with how many other things going on. All I'm saying is this shit is gonna take a while.

I'm expecting the Zoro feat to happen, but I'm also expecting him to get a growth fight too, before or after that feat happens

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
- Yamato says that Oden's "logbook" said that "The young pirates would arrive in the New World in 20 years."
- Ace remembers something Luffy told him about his dream, when Ace and Sabo laughed (maybe that scene from chapter 585?). Although they both believe that Luffy could do it.
- Ace tells him not to laugh, Yamato says he won't because the King of the Pirates said the same.
- Yamato gives Ace a Vivre Card
Y’all...there’s just no way this isn’t happening. LAST CALL TO BOARD THE #YAMATO4NAKAMA HYPE TRAIN WITHOUT LOOKING LIKE A BANDWAGON FAN, THIS BAD BOY IS LEAVING THE STATION :cheers::myman::steef::kata:
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