Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 959: Samurai

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Thought he was gonna have a normal convo then brought up the bounty

I'm fkin dead lmao
Sanji dodged enma too damn

Welp....This prove it shown curtiously by Goda. Sanji gives no fucks and still can fight off Zoro even in Base Confirmed :endthis:!!!!!

Now we can put that talk about their situation to rest (y).
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In my opinion, this was a great chapter. As far as Orochi is concerned, this chapter really shows just how much of a good tactician he is when given the right tools against his enemies. Otherwise things would’ve gone out on without a hitch but it’s never that simple!

As for Big Mom, Luffy was there when Big Mom fell asleep and was captured before being taken away, so it would not be too far fetched to say that Luffy May consider the BM problem handled for now. That’s the only way I can explain how chill he seemed about it for now. Like it’s been said though, the Kaido-Mom Alliance will be a devastating shock.

The last page is already leading into a flashback which is what we will be getting next chapter and I am completely fine with that! I’m excited to see what Oden looks like at last, and for me, it just feels like he won’t have a goofy look or anything like that—it will be more cool/interesting. That’s what I feel anyway.

The Witching Hour Boy has also struck again! Interesting. I’m also very curious to see how the allies get over the setbacks!!

Zoro and Sanji fighting—nice to see that hasn’t changed.

Also, poor Thousand Sunny! That sucks! That is just one more thing that Orochi won’t be forgiven for lol. We didn’t see Law at all which is interesting, too. I was hoping we would, but maybe we will next chapter though that’ll depend on the length of the flashback.

We should also be getting more scenes with Apoo since he’s going to be apart of the entertainment, so I’m excited to see that later down the line. (Also hoping for Drake’s Backstory this arc since he’s been intertwined with Kaido/Beast Pirates since Pre-Timeskip as well as information on the other WG members excluding Luffy, Law, and Capone.)

Once again, this was a great chapter! 8/10 for me!
Ya me too.

Their army was not in capabilities to escape either .

BM wanted something which was Germa tech I doubt she will let such chance slip away.
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No reason to be mentioned .....BM didn't said anything about the outcome of that fatal night yet.

Even with the Germa tech on BM hands.....remember it takes years to make the soldiers mature.
It does not matter, she is about to lose her life, crew's destruction to Luffy along with Kaido.
With Orochi as the brains, and Kaido as the brawn, together they will rule the world.

Seriously though, give that man credit where credit is due. Shogun Wario here is exhibiting more strategic competence than Mont "I would stop Gold Roger himself" D'Or or Big Mom did at the beginning of Whole Cake. He does things based on the possibility that time travel might exist and the ghosts of the past have come back even though he's protected by the Strongest Creature Kai D. O. Mon't D'Or would not even entertain something far more realistic like Luffy defeating Katakuri. Imagine if Kaido gave him knowledge of the outside world and used Orochi's cunning and cautiousness outside of Wano. The Beast Pirates might move up in the world.

His big flaw is of course that Orochi lacks leadership qualities. He commands zero respect and his subordinates have no faith or take inspiration from his words. No one would rot in a cell for 13 years for Orochi's cause. Orochi is ultimately an eunuch wielding too much authority because Kaido has little interest in running Wano's daily affairs so he lets the loyal stooge take care of it.

I suspect the theme of Oden's flashback will largely be on how to cultivate a leader. Oden may already be natural born leader type of character based on how boisterous, influential, and independent minded he was in the past. But by the designs of people higher than him like Shogun Sukiyaki and Daimyo Yasu who pushed him to become the next Shogun, the gathering of subordinates who in turn forced Oden to assume a commanding role, and probably his experiences outside meeting the leading pirates of the era, we will see a transformation into the type of man a true Shogun should be.


Zoro Worshipper

Thought he was gonna have a normal convo then brought up the bounty

I'm fkin dead lmao
Sanji dodged enma too damn

Yes but he still looks like a pussy cat :cheers:
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Sitting Zoro is enough to be a threat to Sanji lol

This is what I thought since the very first time I saw this panel.

A stylistic choice from Goda
- Lol Sanji really flaunting his bounty, too bad he only got given that bounty because of his last name.

- Solid chapter though

- Zoro's mastered Enma

- Luffy and the alliance are still alive and well

- The alliance just need a new meeting place and a ship that can carry them to onigashima

- Jinbei is definitely coming to wano and I wouldn't be surprised if the grand fleet show up too

- Orochi is quite the tactician

- The 9 scabbards are badass and are ready to die for their freedom

- Oden flashback coming up next

- lastly I found it funny Luffy saying he'll cut down Kaido. Like seriously Luffy shouldn't be able to cut down Kaido with his swordsmanship skills.
Actually it's both his last name and Stussy and Morgan saw him fighting in WCI from their view and through communications. Name alone wouldn't give it that big boost.

Idk if Zoro mastered yet as we have to see in his upcoming fights about that.

Though love rivalry and equals interacts of the two as remind me Naruto and Sasuke which is funny as Sanji was originally going to be name that, but Oda let his buddy, Kishimoto have it in friendly matters lol.
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Yes but he still looks like a pussy cat :cheers:
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This is what I thought since the very first time I saw this panel.

A stylistic choice from Goda
Don't bring up S vs Z again . we just finish that on other thread. Get used to Zoro flaws instead of damage control please.


Zoro Worshipper
I will say the Oden flashback has been hyped for a while now, so It will be interesting.
But I really liked Orochi this chapter. I would be okay if he wasn't the strongest Samurai but instead the best tactician. As a leader brain is more important than strength. And his intuition has been spot on the entire time.
Perhaps Oden truly was an YC3 on Roger's ship after all
I read people here already expect Jinbe for this arc, I think the otherway.

With this Luffy already make a good point, Big mom arriving first and still be there yet Jinbe didn't arrive has a good reason. We have far no a little point/info about the accident with Germa66 and Fishmens vs Big mom and that is a point with Oda clear want later to show up. I think their will be a point where Luffy and the others face Big mom and getting the news about Jinbe and the Germa66. Don't think that even one of the alliance could escape from Big mom.

Another point with I don't understand, why Nami,Chopper and co aren't take care about the big event with Big mom. Did they think that Bm get killed or something? That will be a major point in the fire festival, if they don't have any plan for Big mom alliance, they gonna get rekt hard by Kaido and Bigmom in fire festival for sure.

And I even believe more that Jinbe don't will come after this panel. The news about his "death" will make Luffy his mind and lose total the controll, I call this right now!!
Why I feel Oda is setting up future death flag for Jimbei? Not in this arc, but maybe down the line. Since he is already at or past his prime, make sense to died later on and could be by BM doing by giving him Pedro treatment or major antagonist in the future takes him out instead. Can see that happening honestly and add weight to the whole crew as first Strawhats to died in their journey.
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glad Orochi is not the oaf people think he is.

lmao Sanji getting cocky :milaugh:

really looking forward to the Oden flashback
Not cocky, just stating true points. Though surprise how salty Zoro gotten to even use Enma. Got take things with grain of salt in life, you know :salt:.
Good chapter, was glad to see that the alliance knows about Big Mom, and that Jinbei might make an appearance soon lol. Very much looking forward to Oden's flashback. I want to see what Wano was like back then, and what he was like in general.
Right, place your bets on how long the Oden flashback is. Going for ten chapters, a full volume, myself.

Jinbei being brought up again immediately before the Sunny gets blown up makes me suspicious of another Bad End Musical situation.

Hope we’re not going to have a week of terrible childishness about Zoro and Sanji
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Also quite obvious that it’s going to seem like hope is lost at some point then the weather will clear and Sulong will turn the tides
I say 5-7 chapters.

And Good luck handling Z vs S this week, to you n other mods. :madmonk:
Will be busy week for you guys.

I read people here already expect Jinbe for this arc, I think the otherway.

With this Luffy already make a good point, Big mom arriving first and still be there yet Jinbe didn't arrive has a good reason. We have far no a little point/info about the accident with Germa66 and Fishmens vs Big mom and that is a point with Oda clear want later to show up. I think their will be a point where Luffy and the others face Big mom and getting the news about Jinbe and the Germa66. Don't think that even one of the alliance could escape from Big mom.

Another point with I don't understand, why Nami,Chopper and co aren't take care about the big event with Big mom. Did they think that Bm get killed or something? That will be a major point in the fire festival, if they don't have any plan for Big mom alliance, they gonna get rekt hard by Kaido and Bigmom in fire festival for sure.

And I even believe more that Jinbe don't will come after this panel. The news about his "death" will make Luffy his mind and lose total the controll, I call this right now!!
Jinbei not arriving yet even if he had escape would be nothing surprising, it's make up for a good story telling if Oda make it like he won't come and then Jinbei comes at critical moment to help Luffy save the day.

Tho yes i agree it do seem impossible how all of em could have escaped with BM herself present there and being surrounded by BMPs from all sides.
I can see Vinsmokes flying by emself, but would they abondon their Ships n Kingdom, and armies? Doubt so.
But for Fishmens, there's good chance they escaped in the Sea. BM n her army can't do nothing to em there.

It also won't make any sense BM came to Wano even tho she had Hostages which can lure SHs back in WCI arc, like they were lured in with Sanji in the first place. And BM is smart enough to realise that, but here she is in Wano instead, in another Yonkou territory, which suggests she may not hold any leverage over SHs and had to capture em herself, for the humiliation they did to her last arc.
Yes tho there needs to be some genuine reason/twist if all of em were able to make their escape. Like maybe Vinsmokes snail ships can also go underwater like Fishmens.
But i think it would still be better if she still captured some of em and are captive on BM ship here in Wano, which would wrap the story in Wano itself.

Since, i really can't see BM returning again next arc as an Antagonist. If Oda had planned it this way, if she had another arc reserved for herself, he wouldn't have brought BM here to Wano.
I believe either she will be redeemed by Chopper/O tama or will be defeated and captured by Marines.

There's more, more reasons why i believe we won't get BM again in next arc.
Brook stealing the Poneglypp purpose was that they wouldn't have to come to WCi again.
Katakuri n Cracker have already been defeated, we have seen their abilities and we will of Smoothie in WCI arc.
The story is near its end and another arc with same Antagonist will take considerable amount of chapters and Oda has good opportunity of wrapping everything in Wano itself.

About last part of your post, i can see BM rallying up Luffy like that but only to see Jinbei still returning in later half of battle.
This type of twists aren't unexpected in Manga, where a character may be led to believe he/she has killed others but truth being they had escaped instead.
Same could be true for Jinbei against BM, BM may assumed n belives she had killed em all but they had escaped instead. Hence there's also chances Luffy won't trust BM words and will believe in Jinbei.
I read people here already expect Jinbe for this arc, I think the otherway.

With this Luffy already make a good point, Big mom arriving first and still be there yet Jinbe didn't arrive has a good reason. We have far no a little point/info about the accident with Germa66 and Fishmens vs Big mom and that is a point with Oda clear want later to show up. I think their will be a point where Luffy and the others face Big mom and getting the news about Jinbe and the Germa66. Don't think that even one of the alliance could escape from Big mom.

Another point with I don't understand, why Nami,Chopper and co aren't take care about the big event with Big mom. Did they think that Bm get killed or something? That will be a major point in the fire festival, if they don't have any plan for Big mom alliance, they gonna get rekt hard by Kaido and Bigmom in fire festival for sure.

And I even believe more that Jinbe don't will come after this panel. The news about his "death" will make Luffy his mind and lose total the controll, I call this right now!!
The irony might be that Big Mom and crew might be the real wild card that can decide of everything in this arc instead of Jinbei, Marco, Neko or Kid. While she might be allied with Kaido right now it's still possible than BM might turn on Kaido due to Tama or be separated from him and have a fight against the marines before returning in Elbaf arc (since I don't believe that her story with Elbaf is fully over and given the marines' tendency to fail to capture great pirates on their own).
I'm laughing at all the people who claimed that Zoro would get angry at both of Luffy and Sanji for learning that Big Mom is in Wano right now!


Luffy just dropped the bomb this chapter, and Zoro was unfased by it.

Also, the fact that Zoro fans themselves were the ones who were pushing the agenda of Zoro getting frustrated and HELL even LEAVING THE CREW for it! They truly are the ones who want Zoro to look on the bad side of things!

Cause you see, it's okay to get frustrated by another Yonko coming in, but for THE RIGHT HAND MAN of Luffy, to withdraw, and turn from the badass Zoro who welcomes harder challenges with open arms, and turn him into a GUTLESS, COWARD who would rather see a nakama/comrade "Sanji" have his dream ripped off, and leaving the crew and staying under BM command, not only that, but it was even planned for him to get killed in that party. For "the supposed" Vice Captain of SHs, to actually ignore a comrade in his time of need, and then cowaring away from another enemy showing up EVEN if both enemy allied, and then leave the crew in the MOST TIME OF NEED.

I think that would make Zoro's character dragged into the mud.

Thankfully, Oda never did what some fans were fantasizing about. Cause otherwise, he would have turned Zoro into a real scum if that ever happened.

Ironically, the people who were pushing this agenda are Zoro's most loyal fans, YET it seems that they do not know where Zoro's best interest lies in!

Thankfully, oda is a good writer and didn't drag Zoro's character into the mud.

Dude, just think about if Mihawk was there if Zoro left!

Mihawk would be like: So, in your crew time of need of your power, you left them, because another enemy showed up? What a wuss! Mihawk would actually get ashamed for wasting his time on him.

So, Thank you Oda
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