Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 959: Samurai

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I will say the Oden flashback has been hyped for a while now, so It will be interesting.
But I really liked Orochi this chapter. I would be okay if he wasn't the strongest Samurai but instead the best tactician. As a leader brain is more important than strength. And his intuition has been spot on the entire time.


I liked this Chapter even though it's just a big flashback. Finally the Oden flashback.

I hope he lives up to his hype Oda has given him.
well...tha last two panels of him kinda made me interested about his character...if anything, I think mostly people get disappointed not for his character but his powerlevel....same reason most people got disappointed about Orochi
Orochi kinda fix himself.

It's not so Spadam he can think of plans at least unlike the other.
Yeah Orochi has been a alright villain for me so far. He may look goofy but his writing ain't bad.

The dragged out reaction chapters are really what's putting me to sleep. Plus the long ass foreshadowing and teasing of oden has actually made me lose all hype and interest in the character.
Yeah Orochi has been a alright villain for me so far. He may look goofy but his writing ain't bad.

The dragged out reaction chapters are really what's putting me to sleep. Plus the long ass foreshadowing and teasing of oden has actually made me lose all hype and interest in the character.
Yeah Oda with his shadowing kink ,it also annoys tbh.

But next chapter migth finally end.
I read people here already expect Jinbe for this arc, I think the otherway.

With this Luffy already make a good point, Big mom arriving first and still be there yet Jinbe didn't arrive has a good reason. We have far no a little point/info about the accident with Germa66 and Fishmens vs Big mom and that is a point with Oda clear want later to show up. I think their will be a point where Luffy and the others face Big mom and getting the news about Jinbe and the Germa66. Don't think that even one of the alliance could escape from Big mom.

Another point with I don't understand, why Nami,Chopper and co aren't take care about the big event with Big mom. Did they think that Bm get killed or something? That will be a major point in the fire festival, if they don't have any plan for Big mom alliance, they gonna get rekt hard by Kaido and Bigmom in fire festival for sure.

And I even believe more that Jinbe don't will come after this panel. The news about his "death" will make Luffy his mind and lose total the controll, I call this right now!!
I read people here already expect Jinbe for this arc, I think the otherway.

With this Luffy already make a good point, Big mom arriving first and still be there yet Jinbe didn't arrive has a good reason. We have far no a little point/info about the accident with Germa66 and Fishmens vs Big mom and that is a point with Oda clear want later to show up. I think their will be a point where Luffy and the others face Big mom and getting the news about Jinbe and the Germa66. Don't think that even one of the alliance could escape from Big mom.

Another point with I don't understand, why Nami,Chopper and co aren't take care about the big event with Big mom. Did they think that Bm get killed or something? That will be a major point in the fire festival, if they don't have any plan for Big mom alliance, they gonna get rekt hard by Kaido and Bigmom in fire festival for sure.

And I even believe more that Jinbe don't will come after this panel. The news about his "death" will make Luffy his mind and lose total the controll, I call this right now!!
Ummmm now that you say this.....

If Jimbei escaped....he would in Wano already..
He's Fishman after all....I doubt he escorted his crew back to Fishman island.

I can see Jimbei escaping alone ....but that's not happening cuz he will not leave a single former crewmate behind.
I read people here already expect Jinbe for this arc, I think the otherway.

With this Luffy already make a good point, Big mom arriving first and still be there yet Jinbe didn't arrive has a good reason. We have far no a little point/info about the accident with Germa66 and Fishmens vs Big mom and that is a point with Oda clear want later to show up. I think their will be a point where Luffy and the others face Big mom and getting the news about Jinbe and the Germa66. Don't think that even one of the alliance could escape from Big mom.

Another point with I don't understand, why Nami,Chopper and co aren't take care about the big event with Big mom. Did they think that Bm get killed or something? That will be a major point in the fire festival, if they don't have any plan for Big mom alliance, they gonna get rekt hard by Kaido and Bigmom in fire festival for sure.

And I even believe more that Jinbe don't will come after this panel. The news about his "death" will make Luffy his mind and lose total the controll, I call this right now!!
Maybe they think that BM was imprisonned or killed by Kaido which isn't unreasonnable given that yonkos are supposed to be ennemies and that BM just had a fight with Queen. Of course the fact that they aren't prepared for an alliance between her and Kaido is going to bite them hard in the ass.
after see this chapter we need Jimbe rescue Sunny... he'll take out the ship under sea by opposite direction ;) Carrot is not traitor... why still one of red sc. is missing? and why that fatty woman is like red sc.?
#93 most of the people are caring about only fights/L's/PL discussions......if it is not there in chapter, then it is worst chapter....I wonder people still remembered for what they have liked OP in the first place....
uum they saw the big hype and exitement the community was having recently and FOMO-ed in speed read the entire thing like dritz lmao
Right, place your bets on how long the Oden flashback is. Going for ten chapters, a full volume, myself.

Jinbei being brought up again immediately before the Sunny gets blown up makes me suspicious of another Bad End Musical situation.

Hope we’re not going to have a week of terrible childishness about Zoro and Sanji
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Also quite obvious that it’s going to seem like hope is lost at some point then the weather will clear and Sulong will turn the tides
One Piece chapter 310 and 959 comparison.

Also notice the pink dragon in the background? Momo and Luffy team up incoming.

Kozuki Oden is probably the most interesting and one of the very impressive characters in the series.

Now let’s look at his abilities and achievements.

  • Ability to hear the voice of all things
  • Knowledge and skill to read Poneglyphs and write its ancient language
  • Possessed King’s haki
  • Loved and adored by Wano country. And have such loyal retainers
  • He became a daimyo of Kuri at a young age of 20
  • Roger was captivated by him and went to witness the secrets of the world at Raftel
  • Whitebeard was charmed. Later he became one of his top commanders
  • Shanks and Buggy respected him.
  • The only person who scarred Kaido

Also, 39 years ago, Oden was already rocking that full body armament haki. What a legend. I can’t wait to know about him.

Holly crap that cover page was done years ago (probably a decade ago). The kimono he is wearing in it even has the Kozuki seal of the Phoenix :believe:

Man Oda is a master at planning this stuff ahead.
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