Who Will Woronoa Woro One Shot Next?

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We know since ever that he is ahead of the current chapter, like many other authors.
So he can take a break any other normal week.

Not every week, not from this author.
The time doesnt matter. If you like your work you won't get tired, and Oda likes it for what we know.

That doesnt mean he doesnt deserve a break. :gokulaugh:

It was said by his assistants that he even works on breaks. He has been doing this for 23 years every day.
You probably dont even understand how hard the work of a weekly mangaka is lol. He hasnt had a long break in decades.

This is how you sound:

"If you like your work you wont get tired so just keep working stop being lazy! You dont need breaks. You like your work right? Just work you wont burn out haha, time flies by am I right? Just do it man, I want my one piece crack. I dont care about you as a person."'
Ugh, i remember something.

Is Zoro cutting fire will be a foreshadowing of Zoro defensively contributing against BM? A tank that guard from BM's elements while Law haxes his way into BM's defense? Or is it actually a foreshadowing that Zoro will face King The Wildfire a few chapters later?
All of it. Zoro will cut Boro breath and Prometheus and King the wildfire. Right now the man is a counter to all these guys and he’s going to end up fighting all of them
It's a matter of perspective. Like Zoro objectively did nothing last chapter, yet he got hyped up by his fans like crazy opening countless threads, talk about Zoro > Roger and shit.

If a Sanji fan says "Hey guys, maybe take a step back there you're blowing things out of proportions", you're going to get the retarded memes spammed in response and claims such as yours that said person is salty and shit.

You either go insane over whatever Zoro hype regardless of what's going on, or you're salty about it.

We've turned people being reasonable into a bad thing, and that's when the idiots "win", and the normal people decide to walk away and leave them to their own devices.
Funny thing this coming out from a Sanji fans. All this happening right now is just karma for all the shits you guys gave us since Wano started. :milaugh:
Shit, i think even Oda himself wastired of the beetle gifter shit and introduce us to Black-Tooth :gokulaugh:
What moronic is, you can't differentiate between someone who already is defeated and someone who is going to win.

Mate let me help you with that, Scabards are done they were defeated, get it they aren't coming back. Zoro is going to Win. So your intelligent comparison doesn't hold up does it?
So Zoro soloing Kaidou right? Zoro ain't leading victory he is just playing his part like every other SN on the top in the Kaidou downfall.
Meanwhile in Baratie:
My hate for this PU, it's becauase i hate Sasuke type characters.
Characters that have to have all because they're the "second" main characters.
I've already acepted long time ago that Zoro will cut Kaido, and since Kin cutted that Boro Breath, i've been open to the posibility of Zoro doing the same. But that doesn't change the fact that i dislike the Idea of a character forced to be on some situations because they're the "second" main character XD

Zoro already slashed a Dragon in PH, as much as he should do is to cut Kaido's Boro Breath, but taht won't Happen...Because of Zoro...

Zoro didn't care about Kaido, he didn't even talked about him during Zou... WHILE FRANKY SAID HE WAS GOING TO CREATE A WEAPON TO DEFEAT KAIDO.
During Wano, he never said anything about Kaido, while Sanji and Luffy did it.

But since Emma he has wanted to cut Kaido??
Excuse me???
He first wanted to cut Orochi... Not a single mention of this since he get Emma...NOt a single ugh when kaido killed him. Nothing.
That kind of writing i really dislike it.
Dont be this guy, comparing Zoro to sasuke was one of the most dumb, stupid and honestly missinformed things i have ever seen someone in the actual fandom say in thee entirety of my time watching or reading one piece...and i watch it since the anime was in almost at the end of allabasta arc.
Obviously a YC1 like King will have his hax just like Marco has his regen and Kata has both FS and unique paramecia. To say that cutting fire makes King's powers useless against Zoro is just like saying King's powers is completely useless against Kinemon or Scabbards, or like if Robin threw BM with her DF hands then BM is useless against Robin. not so objective imo
Maybe but I dont see them fighting each others especially with Zoro fighting 2 yonkos

Slash Slash BigSlash

It's a matter of perspective. Like Zoro objectively did nothing last chapter, yet he got hyped up by his fans like crazy opening countless threads, talk about Zoro > Roger and shit.

If a Sanji fan says "Hey guys, maybe take a step back there you're blowing things out of proportions", you're going to get the retarded memes spammed in response and claims such as yours that said person is salty and shit.

You either go insane over whatever Zoro hype regardless of what's going on, or you're salty about it.

We've turned people being reasonable into a bad thing, and that's when the idiots "win", and the normal people decide to walk away and leave them to their own devices.
Thats where you are wrong he did do something. He arrived at the Top which is big feat. As a ton of people were saying isn't going to fight Kaido.

And just throwing a take(Zoro>Roger) out the window like its something Stupid without even giving it much thought, obviously you are going to get bad responses.

I'm not saying you have accepet it, but at least have the decency to keep an open mind. and not just throw out comments like Zorotards, trash or whatever people say.

Though I do agree that we should have reasonable conversation. But as the saying goes it takes two hands to clap.
The mechanics are explained yes, but it's not explained how he learned them, he just used them out of nowhere because he had an idea, and that's the problem with Zoro cutting Fire for you it seems. Because the mechanics is pretty easy, i can you tell you that much, with using Ryou and emiting Haki + Air Pressure you're able to split fire, just wind slices alone weren't able to do it, but with Ryou it's possible, we know that because we saw the same cut that Kin'emon used to cut fire also cut Kaido's face.
First, he learned G2/G3 by imitating CP9 and regarding G4 there was even a flashback....
Second, I didn't say Zoro cutting fire is an asspull or something and never argued anything regarding that because it is bound to happen for someone who is going to become WSS
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