Who Will Woronoa Woro One Shot Next?

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You are always salty whenever u see Zoro talk. Stop crying and talking ur bs.
I'm never salty about Zoro, he is my second favorite character.

I give Zoro all the hype he deserves and praised him for being on the roof as Luffy's First Mate.

I always argued in all the past discussions when Sanji fans were saying that Sanji will fight King with Zoro fans, that Zoro is the one who figts King.

I always say that Zoro is stronger than Sanji. I always say that Zoro is the closest thing to a First Mate in the crew whenever someone opens thread about that and people argue against that notion.

Just because i don't pander to the most idiotic part of his fanbase, does not mean i don't like Zoro or i'm "salty" about him.

How the heck did we get to the point where discussing the content of the spoilers as they are presented means you feel some type of way.
Zoro: "So that's the Haki he has been learning from that old Wanokuni guy?
Zoro doesn't have Luffy's level of CoA.
Get rekt Zorobois.
As Kaidou looks at Luffy, he sees the shadows of Roger, Whitebeard, Oden and Rocks behind him (we can't see Rocks in detail).
"Zoro is the new Oden".
Get rekt again Zorobois.
Killer: "If I'd had these blades back then, you'd have been dead."
"KiLlEr WaS nEvEr NeRfT!"
Get rekt again Zorobois.
Zoro: "The result would still be the same."
Zoro confirms he would faint again against him.
Zoro: "I still need to release more of Enma's power."
EnMa Is NoT a PoWeR uP, iT's AlL zOrO's PoWeR.
The reason Zoro is gonna do anything significant to Kaidou is thanks to the magical sword.
This chapter destroyed so many headcanons today!
Best chapter in Wano!
Confirmed that Killer was nerfed because of his weapons (aside from the mental state ofc).
Confirmed Zoro not Adv Haki user (Zoroliebers keep saying that he know it since Alabasta rofl).
Confirmed again who is the monster trio there (Luffy, Kidd and Law, Zoro has no place there).

Now, putting aside the triple L Zoroliebers got here, Zoro really didn't learn Adv Haki with Enma? I thought that suction power it would have forced him to gain more control of Haki and unlock this skill (the first lvl at least), dissapointing. So he only strengthened his hardening.

Btw, confirmed that "Ryou" is not something special (it's simply more AP) and you can hurt Kaido with enough AP simply since Zoro/Killer who don't have this Haki could damage Kaido. Holy shit the crap I read many times about this of some people saying that even Boa sisters or Sentomaru could damage Kaido lmao, the moronic lvl over 9000 (many Zoroliebers ofc, since that would help for their wanking because of their concept of "lethality and swordsmen").

I talk about Luffy, Kidd, Law, Killer and Zoro in the post that triggers you ?

You know, most of the characters that are shown in the chapter ?

You want me to randomly write only about Sanji in this spoiler thread when he is not part of the chapter ? So that you salty kids get triggered that he get's brought up like it happened in the thread a while back ?

Let's not discuss the content of the spoilers because your feelings get hurt, when i don't even single out Zoro in any way :whitepress:
Zoro hurt an yonko and pushed away an admiral while Sanji couldnt damage Doffy and got his leg cracked by an underling
Why Kaido keeps going into Dragon form? Dude always keeps getting hit around in that form, only to go back to "human" form and defeat people with 1 hit.
He says to BM to step away everytime he is not serious he goes dragon mode
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