Who Will Woronoa Woro One Shot Next?

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Really bruh, they clashed equally(WB without Gura) dont play that game the reason he's in another league is because of his fruit and the yonkos cant overtake him at all
Why are you producing baseless arguments? :seriously:

Who said Whitebeard didn't use Gura? Whitebeard attacked Shanks, splitted the heavens and couldn't beat him. Its simple as that. It wouldn't be any different with Kaido.
If you get a DF is that a PU? Everybody will say yes. But it's not like you are able to controll it perfectly, you need time to learn and master it. Just because you have to get used to something, doesn't mean it's not a PU. So shusui was not a PU because Zoro had to get used to it? But it instantly made him stronger. The extra weight made his attacks more heavy and it literaly combined Zoro's attack and made it stronger. And that was the only time Zoro ever mentioned anything about needing to get used to it. After this, he had no problem with the sword. And this was literaly a few minutes after he got the blade.

With Enma, Zoro had over 1 weak of training time.

I guess G2/G3, DJ etc. are not PU's aswell, because they had to come up with these abilities and learn to use them. It's not like they just pulled them out of nowhere and could controll them.

What is the point of sword grades with it's all the same? A swordsman gets stronger with a better sword - THAT'S A FACT. I don't know what you guys are spinning everything around for? Would a random normal sword boost Zoro as Enma did? Never.
Enma is a high quality sword with magical abilities - you can't compare that to any sword.


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
Of course he was lol. He was tortured by Orochi and lost his mind. It wasn't even a fair fight.
I guess i said and argued that only 2 million times. Now Oda finally confirms. :)
This is not a debateble thing, was confirmed in Udon bro
The idea that Killer was mentally compromised during his fight with Zoro has been unsubstantiated from the very beginning and contradicts the latest chapter. Killer credits his lack of weapons for his defeat, not some imaginary mental handicap.

The claim that he was tortured by Orochi is also simply not true. It never happened.
Kaido confirms only a few can fight him : WB, Shanks, Linlin , Oden, Roger.

One again mihawk has zero hype above oden/Yonko/rogee/xebec

A few among top tiers can fight kaido and none can beat him 1 v 1
Linlin was not mentioned, stop inserting her.
The four Kaido saw in Luffy's shadow were the four who defeated him.

Majority of Zoro fans said that, don't remember if you were one of those
:holdthisl:for them then lol
Majority of Zoro fans did not say that, nor do they believe that.'
  • I made the "was Killer nerfed thread"
  • I'm active in the Zoro fanclub and Discord server.

It's getting annoying at this point. The position you mentioned (the scythes made Killer stronger instead of weaker) was held by only a handful of people.

Kaido already in dragon form, it’s not looking good for Zoro. His best feat might be start of the fight shit....
U still making these idiot claims? Both can an will hurt Kaido. The sooner u realize the easier it’ll be grasp the rest of the fight.But knowing you, you’ll just say something random or wrong. Similar to how killer wasn’t nerfed or enma wasn’t a PU
As I told @Jo_Ndule:
  • Oni Giri is his most basic santoryu attack
  • Zoro has not yet mastered Enma
  • Zoro hasn't brought out Asura

It's not looking good for Law either, all he did was drop rocks on Kaido. Unless you want to imply that dropping rocks actually damaged Kaido or matches Boundman's power, Law had the weakest offensive showing this chapter.

If Killer with his proper weapons performs similarly to post Enma Zoro, what does that say about said Killer vs pre Enma Zoro ? :kizabat:

I don't know if we can discuss this though, might mean we hate Zoro if we do :emohiyo:
  • Well, Zoro just indicated that he has not yet mastered Enma's power.
  • Zoro told us that he would become stronger after mastering Enma.

At this point it's not clear that there's a gap between current Zoro and Shusui Zoro (especially given that Shusui was a black blade). I do think that over the fight Zoro will acclimatise to Enma and start dishing out more powerful attacks. If Killer performs on par with a Zoro that has fully acclimatised to Enma (assuming this happens during the battle), then that would be favourable portrayal for him compared to Pre Enma Zoro.

At any rate, Law's combo attack with Luffy was dropping rocks on Kaido. Unless you're claiming that dropping rocks = Kong Gun with internal destruction ryuo, then you can't infer that Killer has equal AP to Zoro just because he performed a combination attack with him.

So Oda separated the trio from the duo. Kind of an L for Zoro there, got paired with Killer.
It's hillarious that we get called haters for suggesting that Kid and Law will probably outperform Zoro while in the chapter we have Zoro talking shit and showing rivalry to Kidd's underling
Even said underling suggesting he can match Zoro :suresure:
Ive been saying this for month now, and people loughed at me, whos loughin now ? :cheers:
I don't see how Zoro getting paired with Killer is supposedly an L for him. After Luffy Zoro has had the best performance of the three:
but how has Kidd outperformed Zoro here?
Luffy's feats:
  • The Yonkou were focused on him last chapter.
  • His Red Roc rattled Kaido and earned him a compliment.
  • Kaido saw the shadow of the other formidable opponents he faced in Luffy
  • He partially dodged a Rammei Hakkei.
  • He attacked Kaido and hurt with a Boundman attack.
Zoro's feats:
  • He cut Big Mom's Heavenly Fire and saved Luffy from an attack
  • He attacked Kaido and hurt him with Rengoku Onigiri
Kidd's Feat:
  • He attacked Kaido and might have hurt him



Redon - As Kaidou looks at Luffy, he sees the shadows of Roger, Whitebeard, Oden and Rocks behind him (we can't see Rocks in detail).

ZoroLards- :josad::josad::josad::josad::josad::josad::josad::josad:
Those are just the people that beat Kaido.

I think it's penetration haki because Zoro was wondering the same about Luffy's haki and he has ryuo.
But unlike Kidd, Zoro recognised what he saw. Kidd didn't even know what happened. Zoro recognised it as the form of haki Luffy was training.

those 2 are really comparable and that a fair fight is an extreme diff either way
Zoro said the result would still be the same. Killer gets oneshot by his first clean hit against a Santoryu Zoro. Gaining his weapons wouldn't suddenly raise his durability or endurance.

That said I'd give Killer the win over Nitoryu Zoro.


Zoro Worshipper
No I’m using your logic to show you it doesn’t make sense. Since none of Zoros previous attacks did major damage until lions song Zoro one shot mr. 1
You are not using logic if you can't even stay on a linear topic.

Did Zoro one shot Kaku, yes or not? Was Kaku barely injured prior that occurred yes or not?
Kaido is called the strongest pirate in the world, and by Zoro as "The strongest in the world".
Zoro did that as a taunt, he's called the strongest creature
His title was translated by some manga website as" Strongest Beast Alive ". It was a translation error because in the official VIZ translation, which is directly associated with Oda (and we have to pay to see the translation) , is declared as "On land, sea and air. He is the pirate known as the strongest Creature of all living things ".
So, we gonna act like minks, can't fight on land either, there not humans
And Oda used the word 'Saikyō Seibutsu (最強 生物): which translated as The Strongest Biological Being / The Strongest Creature Among All Beings. Seibutsu includes all living things in the world, including humans. The reason why free manga sites misspell Kaido's title is because the English word "Creature" has plural meanings, but in the original scan there is no ambiguity because the word 'Seibutsu' is the one being used, which is why Kaido was not given the title "Strongest Man" or anything like that, because he is simply not human.
Ah yes, I see Kaido is not the strongest human, but the strongest creature makes sense


RIP Toriyama



No matter what these Swordbois fans say, we won. They are coping. Don't let them tell you otherwise.
From not being nerfed, to be the weakest SN, to being a pleasure, past all these trash and fraudulent head canons, mans went straight to CUT KAIDO


Let’s go!!! Oda got ya boeating good in Wano so far lol

  • Marco dropping shit on everyone
  • Law styling on tha roof
  • Killer poking holes in Kaidou

Like I said, Gawd blessing all tha Trap *****
What do you mean so what you dumb shit? it means without Enma he cannot damage Kaido like he wants
What kind of stupid argument are you presenting? Any other 3 swords would do minimal damage between Zoro and Kaido... his ONLY good feats are due to this sword, and this sword only
If it was true why the fuck Zoro would use a Santoryu ? :kaidowhat:

+ If i follow your logic, Oden hurt Kaido just because of Enma ? You dumb shit :mihanha:
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