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I'm not threatening you, I'm playing for town to win. I won't let a 3rd party interfere with that.
The one thing which nearly everyone has agreed on is that my actions so far have only served the town. I would be a fool to be so forthcoming if I were the town's enemy. If ever that does not hold true, and I act against your "win," lynch me then. As I said, I am reliant upon the town. However, I also have my own "win" to worry about, and I cannot achieve it by walking into any traps or making too great an enemy of the mafia.

The best laid plans do not survive contact with the enemy, and your plan isn't so well laid to begin with. Forecasting such plans only serves to make me more vulnerable, for reasons I have already explained and do not care to repeat. If that is not your intention, and you truly are innocent, then leave me be so that I can continue helping us both. In any event, demands and threats will not persuade me.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
There is something odd.

First, why fuji and not Robin?

Second, uwu brought up that he could be killed because of his reads.

First I doubt this. But, Let's assume it. Then those to whom he gave scum reads won't kill him but it's the one to whom he gave town read (if we have scum in this) because they can use this to raise sus on Fuji sus list.


The one thing which nearly everyone has agreed on is that my actions so far have only served the town. I would be a fool to be so forthcoming if I were the town's enemy. If ever that does not hold true, and I act against your "win," lynch me then. As I said, I am reliant upon the town. However, I also have my own "win" to worry about, and I cannot achieve it by walking into any traps or making too great an enemy of the mafia.

The best laid plans do not survive contact with the enemy, and your plan isn't so well laid to begin with. Forecasting such plans only serves to make me more vulnerable, for reasons I have already explained and do not care to repeat. If that is not your intention, and you truly are innocent, then leave me be so that I can continue helping us both. In any event, demands and threats will not persuade me.
Then let us both do what is best for our wins then, that is what I plan to do. Just remember you should be truthful if any random questions are asked of you.
Morning everyone
Catching up
I will assume almost everyone if not everyone has a role now?
Probably yes
Is it one of the mini games thingies that our in the weeb games?

I honestly never play them and just ignore them every game. Too much to process in a game this side to add worrying about side quests. Even though I know some side games in these games offer very lucrative bonuses. They just aren't worth it to me.
Interesting way of playing, don't you miss alot or fun?
Can I still trust you?
I don't like this question, sounds like a shade
There is questionable activity here. I'll comment more later in the phase about it, but... Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful Disaster belongs, I have deduced on the identity of scum, or at least heavily reduced with my deduction.


:kata: Vote Kiwi and she'll lead you to victory
You forgot to mention whose victory you can lead
I had a N0 action. But I was just told what I sent you isn't processed immediately, so you should receive it the next phases.
This means few game days/nights?
Why is everyone jumping on Flower so hastily
You miswrote Rej's name
I still don't know why @Robin ability would fail on me though unless I have some hidden passive I'm unaware about. Was there any other restrictions for this ability? Because it would seem weird for someone to roleblock Robin or redirect them.


Morning everyone
Catching up

Probably yes

Interesting way of playing, don't you miss alot or fun?

I don't like this question, sounds like a shade


You forgot to mention whose victory you can lead

This means few game days/nights?

You miswrote Rej's name

I just don't like that kinda in game games and stuff. It takes too much time for me and I'm no good at it, and that stuff usually ends up hurting me or putting me in bad spots in games, I'm never lucky in them. So I started ignoring them shortly into the first weeb game I ever played.
Then let us both do what is best for our wins then, that is what I plan to do. Just remember you should be truthful if any random questions are asked of you.
If you laid some hidden meaning here, I am not seeing it. I have been nothing if not truthful, likely moreso than most people would be in my position, so it seems strange or foolish that you would ask me to be truthful.
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