Here's a funny video about emperor Palpatine aka Darth Sidious being voiced by Mark Hamill's version of the Joker, it's basically Luke talking to himself:
Terry Jones of the Monty Python died just yesterday after several years of dementia. May he rest in peace, I really liked Monty Python and the Flying Circus, and the Holy Grail and the Life of Brian.
I think than Kaido has a really personnal connection with Onigashima, that it's more to him than just an island he chose as his home and HQ and that he will be truly pissed when Luffy, the Scabbards and their allies will dare to attack him here.
After the Mother Carmel's picture case, the crazed rampages, the loss of memory causing her to return to her child personnality, her falling asleep just when she was about to wreck Queen and her suddenly allying with Kaido I feel that there will be at least one another crazy plot twist with Big Mom, if not several.
I am eager to see what Kuzan is really doing with Blackbeard, how he came in contact with him, and to see if he's still in touch with Garp, Sengoku and others in the marines like X-Drake or Koby as part of a secret marine resistance. I would love it far more than him being part or allied with the RA as too many have theorized.
Something I would love to see if Big Mom turns into a better person somehow due to another twist that makes her regain her child and O-Lin personnality would be to see her coming to really care for her children and to turn into a real Mama Bear to demolish those who try to attack her family and crew.
One trope I find honnestly tiring is the one of the villains minions being incompetent and easely defeated or outsmarted by the Heroes and their allies. It's one of the many reasons why I really like the Incredibles with Syndrome's minions being shown to be smarter and more competent than the usual minions and why I love the Garthims in Dark Crystal franchise.
I am curious to know where Oars and his family come from and if they are known by the Giant nations like Elbaf. Would like to see a scene of Little Oars Jr coming to Elbaf and the giants reacting to him.
It would be funny if King end up in Totto Land or become a long run ally of the Charlotte family after Wano arc and Kaido's defeat, as a parallel to Marco being at first hostile to Shanks before becoming more friendly to him.
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