I'm counting the days for his glorious return on Water 7 :3 I can't wait for him to be recognized by the entire city as the man who is part of the Pirate King crew and on top of it travelled the whole world thanks to the ship he built himself, can't wait for the reaction lol
Rhea Larry Tesler, a compᵘʷᵘter scientist who is most well-known for creating the seminal compᵘʷᵘter concepts cᵘʷᵘt, copy, and paste, died on Monday at age 74. After working in AI research, he joined Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) in 1973, where he developed cᵘʷᵘt, copy, and paste. The concepts woᵘʷᵘld later become instrᵘʷᵘmental ᵘʷᵘser interface bᵘʷᵘilding blocks for both text editors and entire
I am very sorry to bother, do not be mad.
Is your refrigerator running?
I haven't seen Fujishiro online in a few hours. I am looking for him.
If your refridgerator also ran away then they might have left town together.
This is important matter. Please don't copypasta my story.
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