Seriously? You're just going to leave me on read? Wow. I thought we were friends. And friends don't throw out other people's feelings like that. I thought we could be friends. I can't believe that you would be so heartless and just leave me like that. If you were actually my friend, you would actually care about my feelings instead of throwing them out like it's nothing. Goodbye.
I sexually Identify as an the sun. Ever since I saw the thing about sex alone being the safest thing and I was super confused
First of all, heads dont have teeth
There is nobody - not the man @Albino 👑 nor I myself - that is better equipped to rep the best God damn character in Oda’s entire career than you, Bee. You are rocking this avy/tag/signature combo, and with them, you are carrying the pride of the entire (three person) Franky fandom on your still-fleshy back, and we will follow you anywhere 👍🤑🤯
J'aimerais pouvoir expliquer vos yeux et comment le son de votre voix me donne des papillons. Comment ton sourire fait battre mon cœur et combien je suis heureux à chaque fois que je suis de ton côté. Mon âme est engloutie de joie. Je me sens si complet. <3
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