Recent content by eexpert

  1. eexpert

    The baiting Room

    Your next line is: "Give us hint or I will put naked Kaido on my PFP"
  2. eexpert

    The baiting Room

    You are goddamn right! I deleted the comment seeing someone already deciphered the morse code, thinking it is a simple "nothing", but you saw the big picture.
  3. eexpert

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1040 Spoilers Discussion

    And also not Game of Thrones.
  4. eexpert

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1037 Spoiler Discussion

    He will break Onigashima in pieces and blow them away with a single punch :noo:
  5. eexpert

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1037 Spoiler Discussion

    I'm expecting Zunesha to play baseball with Onigashima.
  6. eexpert

    Thank you! As a home cook I really enjoy the series.

    Thank you! As a home cook I really enjoy the series.
  7. eexpert

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1031 Spoilers Discussion

    I also think that, Queen's words about his crushing attack "Haki masters cannot prevent broken bones and ruptured organs from this pressure" hint us about the power of Kidd's attacks.
  8. eexpert

    The baiting Room

    The owner of the Baratie Inc.?
  9. eexpert

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1027 Spoilers Discussion

    Cutting the horn part is offscreened, but you can see that mask's top left is missing after the clash before the last.
  10. eexpert

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1027 Spoilers Discussion

    It is probably King's bad hair day, so he is right not to forgive Zoro. He should not have revealed his hair. :kayneshrug:
  11. eexpert

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1027 Spoilers Discussion

    Loving their creations is a little different. Its either loving ones children or themselves. So it is something between a good parent and a narcissist.
  12. eexpert

    The baiting Room

    To defeat kaido or what?
  13. eexpert

    The baiting Room

    Which translation app do you use? Mine says: "Kaido says to Momo no Suke that he kills Otama first after defeating Luffy."
  14. eexpert

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1026 Spoilers Discussion

    Meat:lumazed: or Something he realized before his defeat but couldn't have time and energy to execute/use it. Kaido said he got the ability to use CoC coating but his technique is not refined. So maybe a refinment in Luffy's technique created the difference.
  15. eexpert

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1026 Spoilers Discussion

    CP0 and Sword are yet to make their moves. Things will heat up and if there is a lurking legend, then it is the right time to stir shit up with it.