Do you have any doubt left that Pay Pay is the weakest Tobi Roppo? With the way Ulti is outright bullying him, I can't imagine him being stronger than her. Black Maria might be an exception if she's only a Tobi Roppo cause she's fucking Kaido. Otherwise, Pay Pay is the scrub of the bunch.
It is *a little* funny that you said “Please don’t post smut here” and the immediate response is basically “FUCK YOU FASCIST”...heavy is the hand that controls access to the spoiler thread 😤
I've begun to reconsider and think Pre Enma Santoryu Zoro might actually be able to beat Jack. My main reasons for this are.
* Kyoshiro > Shutenmaru ~ Jack (he was superior to Base Jack).
* A brutally injured Nitoryu Zoro could (by his underlings' admission) keep up with Kyoshiro (IMO Kyoshiro beats healthy Nitoryu Zoro at high diff).
* Santoryu Zoro mid diffs Nitoryu Zoro.
Hi guys. I'm writing this profile post in order to announce FinalBeta’s permanent retirement from WorstGen. He thoroughly considered pros and cons for entire days and ultimately came to this decision in that real life for him is becoming too challenging, expecially university wise, and so He can't really keep up with my same lifestyle on the Internet anymore.
Thank you for having the (blue) balls to represent Who’s Who’s Cat Girl Revue in your signature. I generally enjoy reading your posts, but now I may speed through them to get to the end 😻😻😻
If I understand your positions correctly, you've been insistent that he wouldn't fight Kaido, think Marco would be the one to defeat King and are sceptical Who's Who is strong enough to be a credible opponent.
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