General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

Rate the Wano Bounties

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Since this war involved 3 pirate crews and a lot of warrior of the country itself, I don't really believe the bounties are getting that freking high (we basically got the confirmation of that with luffy's bounty)

Although Zoro and Sanji defeated king and queen, marco fought for a while against then, because of that I don't believe zoro and sanji are getting bounties that would reflect a solo fight, but I believe they will get bounties that reflect their "danger" or "threat" level

Some people are saying that zoro gets bounties that surpasses the bounty Luffy had when the arc started, but in the beginning of dressrosa Luffy's bounty was 400 M, and zoro ended up with 320 M. After WC zoro didn't get a bounty and Sanji surpassed him... ok, zoro wasn't there, and we are just speculating, but 1.5 B was the bounty Luffy got after being proclaimed to do so much in WC, and he even got to be named the 5th emperor, for zoro to jump from 320 M to 1.5 B is too much in my opnion. Probably someone will come and say Zoro blocked the Hakai attack, but that was for 1 sec, he was basically K.O after that and was on death's door after king. But that's my opnion anyway...
Sanji may get lower bounty than Zoro, based on the "Help-me Robin chan" but personally I would like to see him and Zoro getting the same number, and the dsicussions that would come after that

Finally, I don't how you guys feel about it, but I would LOVE chopper to have a real bounty, at this game point, this gag isn't fun anymore, it's almost cruel to the little fella.

Based on other speculations, I will low ball this and go with:

Zoro - 966 M
Sanji - 966 M
Jinbe - 903 M
Robin - 500 M
Franky - 329 M
Brook - 283 M
Usopp - 300 M
Nami - 266 M
Chopper - 10 M
??? It was a coincidence though. Big Mum and Kaido's bounties are partially influenced by their laughs at the end of their names, but otherwise the point is pretty clear. Kaido is superior to Big Mum.

Also, why are you sticking with minus 388 million when that is not the difference in their bounties???
Their Bounties is related to their laughs?.. l don't get it..

Kaido might be sligthly stronger than Big Mom but their crews overall balance each other out..

That's the difference between Queen and Smoothie and also Big Mom's bounty the 2nd strongest Yonko..

Queen ~ Smoothie
Katakuri ≥ King
Cracker > Jack
Snack ~ Jack
Their Bounties is related to their laughs?.. l don't get it..

Kaido might be sligthly stronger than Big Mom but their crews overall balance each other out..

That's the difference between Queen and Smoothie and also Big Mom's bounty the 2nd strongest Yonko..

Queen ~ Smoothie
Katakuri ≥ King
Cracker > Jack
Snack ~ Jack
The thing is though, I think the Beast Pirates have been shown to be pretty consistently stronger than the sweet commanders in terms of their threat level.

Smoothie was basically a non-factor in WCI.

Katakuri was only such a big deal because he was THE guy that Luffy fought.

In terms of strength, I don't think they are terribly far apart, but I do think the massive jump in bounty does reflect some difference in ability and percieved threat.

Also, I see no reason why Jack is weaker than Cracker. Cracker is only impressive because his biscuit soldiers required gear 4th to be destroyed, but I think this entire arc was about how Gear 4th's raw strength wasn't anything terribly special.

The next time we see Cracker, he is probably going to get folded, just like the calamities were immediately folded after they were beaten.
Well, since Luffy's bounty much lower than my original prediction, this is my new take for other SH bounties:
Zoro: 770mil - 900mil (probably 1.02bil at max)
Sanji: 760mil - 860mil (probably 966mil at max, gag of his bounty below zoro and not reach billion compared to Zoro's)
Jinbei: 610mil - 790mil
Yamato: 400mil - 500mil
Robin: 280mil - 440mil
Franky: 240mil - 400mil
Usopp: 200mil - 300mil
Brooke: 180mil - 230mil
Nami: 160mil - 210mil
Chopper: 100mil - 150mil
Yes but Luffy also didn’t fight him 1v1. Sanji did fight queen alone.
It's that kind of mindset which makes for perfect set-up for it to get easily twisted around, like how Apoo could easily skew things for his amusement in telling Morgans and the Marines that the Straw Hats' monster pet Chopper "helped" Sanji by slapping Queen. It could then lead into Sanji and Chopper getting a divided bounty of 660 million each, similar to Luffy, Kid, and Law getting divided bounties fo 3 billion each.
Luffy - 3,000,000,000
Zoro - 1,400,000,000
Sanji - 1,330,000,000
Robin - 1,000,000,000
Usopp - 700,000,000
Jinbe - 619,000,000
Yamato - 550,000,000
Franky - 480,000,000
Brook - 333,000,000
Nami - 300,000,000
Chopper - 100,000,100

Kid - 3,000,000,000
Killer - 800,000,000

Law - 3,000,000,000
Bepo -
It's that kind of mindset which makes for perfect set-up for it to get easily twisted around, like how Apoo could easily skew things for his amusement in telling Morgans and the Marines that the Straw Hats' monster pet Chopper "helped" Sanji by slapping Queen. It could then lead into Sanji and Chopper getting a divided bounty of 660 million each, similar to Luffy, Kid, and Law getting divided bounties fo 3 billion each.
First the info that the WG and Morgan got is from CP0 and not Apoo.
Second: Queen fought Marco before he Fought sanji and Sanji got besten by Black Maria before he went to Queen. But the fight that Sanji and Queen had amd their conditions were more or less the same. I might even say that sanji was I worse shape than queen. Sanji is getting the merit for taking queen down by himself. Just like Zoro took king out by himself.

Luffy, Law and Kidd are sharing merit for taking down 2 yonkous. Different thing.
You are skewing and twisting things up.
and this is just a prediction based on observation and also what I would like. No need to take it that serious. I will most probably be wrong anyway.
First the info that the WG and Morgan got is from CP0 and not Apoo.
Second: Queen fought Marco before he Fought sanji and Sanji got besten by Black Maria before he went to Queen. But the fight that Sanji and Queen had amd their conditions were more or less the same. I might even say that sanji was I worse shape than queen. Sanji is getting the merit for taking queen down by himself. Just like Zoro took king out by himself.

Luffy, Law and Kidd are sharing merit for taking down 2 yonkous. Different thing.
You are skewing and twisting things up.
and this is just a prediction based on observation and also what I would like. No need to take it that serious. I will most probably be wrong anyway.
I don't skew or twist anything, I just voice things like how I observe them. Even if it's just CP0, then for all we know they could be downplaying Sanji's bounty like how they did with Luffy, not because I dislike Sanji, but am simply taking into account in what they might do.
Doesn't sound very convicing they omitted the 3rd one in Kaido's bounty Oda wouldn't need to add an extra number if the pun was the only intention.. And it's also the Wikipedia writter own interpretation..

The thing is though, I think the Beast Pirates have been shown to be pretty consistently stronger than the sweet commanders in terms of their threat level.

Smoothie was basically a non-factor in WCI.

Katakuri was only such a big deal because he was THE guy that Luffy fought.

In terms of strength, I don't think they are terribly far apart, but I do think the massive jump in bounty does reflect some difference in ability and percieved threat.

Also, I see no reason why Jack is weaker than Cracker. Cracker is only impressive because his biscuit soldiers required gear 4th to be destroyed, but I think this entire arc was about how Gear 4th's raw strength wasn't anything terribly special.

The next time we see Cracker, he is probably going to get folded, just like the calamities were immediately folded after they were beaten.
Snack was non-factor too and got demoted for losing to Urouge.. Smoothie shouldn't be discredited just based on how she was written..

l think Katakuri is on paper way more impressive than King..

At least Cracker displayed Named attacks and armament Haki on par with King.. As you mentioned his Devil fruit mastery was also remarkable while hybrid Jack was swept under the rug as it was nothing.. The Vivre card stated that Jack has Haki although they recently made errors.. Everything leads to Jack not possessing Haki just like Page One..