Here are my honest thoughts since you gave yours brother.
I think Roger/PB is a pedestal meant to be surpassed by the MC first. Its a treshold that will be rendered null and less special if more people are at that level.
I think Akainu is very close to Prime Garp if not at that level. I think Shanks with his Joyboy level Haki can be stronger then Akainu but it depends.
Loki is a huge gigachad. I really like this character. If you don’t like Loki, that’s actually because you’re a virgin. Only true chads can appreciate his magnificent character.
I am now convinced the Admirals can’t be awakened. After crippled wavering Kuzan matched prime Garp in a fist fight, and Kizaru humiliated the man who defeated Kaido in such severe fashion, the Admirals would clearly belong in an entirely different verse if they were awakened lmfaooooo
I think we are experiencing the best week for the admiral agenda since Greenbull mogged King and Queen, and it might not be over yet with Kuzan’s VC coming up
Hey Lee, I have noticed something after Wano happened, the Admiral Fandom has become increasingly outspoken and louder in making threads be it flame ones or wank ones whereas the Yonko fandom has just been chilling lol. I wonder about why lol.
All out bloodlusted Luffy who wants to put Kizaru down at all costs vs All out bloodlusted Kizaru who wnats to put Luffy down at all costs who do you have winning and what difficulty bro.
Id love it if you gave insight to my thread lol, I know youre busy trolling the Yonko fans and all that but imo this is quite an interesting reveal. Also funny that GB was a cop and Issho was a bodyguard for a gambling house lol.
Honestly even though @SakazOuki wank of the Hound was a bit much, Sandor really is up there with a lot of guys. Jaime himself comments more than once on how dangerous Sandor is and when Lyle Crackenhall (one of the strongest men in the kingdoms) says he will take care of the Hound, Jaime thinks Sandor would whoop his arse because he is much faster and more savage.
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