The shanks flashback scene makes me want a multi chapter flashback of kid luffy and Shanks so badly. Also speaking of the flashback it seems almost confirmed that Shanks subtly got Luffy to eat the gomu gomu no mi, and sacrificed his arm to give luffy resolve. Shank's saw the potential in Luffy...
So Why did Shanks wait till now to go for One Piece? I feel like he could get to to laughtale whenever he wanted but was waiting for Luffy to get to a certain level, or attain the Nika awakening.
1.Scopper Gaban
2. Kuro
3. Don Krieg
4. The camel from Arabasta
5. The lion from Buggy's crew
6. Rockstar
7. Brownbeard
8. Foxxy
9. Lor D. Coast
10. Kaya
A part of me wishes us Sanji Fangirls/fanboys and Zoro fangirls/fanboys could finally come together in harmony and understanding. The other part of me is eating popcorn and laughing at the never ending flame war.
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