Totally forgot I bought the ps3 kingdom hearts 1.5 remix earlier this year at a thrift store. Never played 358/2 days or re:chain but i wasnt a fan of birth by sleep so i dont know how much im gonna like the other spin offs. Also I cant find my ps3 controller :catcry:
So right now playing sonic...
Big mom's plot in elbaf doesn't actually require her being alive in the present, it's mostly backstory that can be revealed to by a hitherto unknown character.
As a shanks fan ive been expecting Shanks to get offscreened by BB for years, but that's just me being paranoid. I see Shanks being a top 3 fighter in world, above BB by however much. Still gonna die protecting luffy tho lol :feelscryingman:
This is such an Oda thing to do I really wouldn't doubt it.
My unpopular opinion is Skypiea is the worst arc (other than davyback) in the series outside of the very beginning and the very end of the arc, and Enel being cool as hell.
Pre raid Wano was my favorite One Piece arc to read week to week ever, during the raid it reminded me of dressrosa in that the week to week experience was less enjoyable due to the pacing slowing to a crawl but once I go back and read it as a whole I know i'll love it. I personally think it's...
When he uses ashura against Kaido it immediately makes Kaido think that Zoro can use CoC
However Zoro doesn't seem to realize that ashura is using CoC. My explanation would be Zoro simply cant use powerful CoC twice in a short period since he hasn't mastered it, so he can't use it against King...
Seems like whenever oda makes a comment about how longer one piece has left its a lowball estimate and that's with Oda already cramming way more stuff per chapter than ever, can't see one piece finishing any shorter than 5 years from now. Also I HIGHLY DOUBT the highest selling manga of all time...
Hey guys i'm so happy to finally find a new one piece forum. I spent hours as a kid back on the old onemanga forums, just lurking the big 3 discussions all day after school, even playing the forum mafia games lol, remember when they were a scanlation site as well before they got a cease and...
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