When he's "Sanji" he's a 7 when he's "Mr Prince" he's a 10.
But pre-TS Sanji had more "Mr Prince" moments so Pre-TS>Post-TS in terms of sheer cool factor.
That's actually fair. One Piece is objectively more popular overall than any other shonen, but I have never seen anyone reference a One Piece attack like they would "Kamehameha" or "rasengan", at least while talking to normies. At least in USA Naruto and Dragon Ball/Z have more cultural cache.
This month long break is really taking it's toll on people
Wait... If lava pools> Younkos then Akainu>Younkos, checkmate yonkou bois.
I always liked night shift at the place I used to work. I really digged the vibe of the facotry at night its hard to explain, also when I got off work every morning it was right as the sun was coming over the mountains which was always amazing. Downside is you basically turn into a nocturnal...
Honestly to this day I still believe Sanji>Zorro during Enies Lobby. And will de on the hill of Sanji=Zorro currently.
Within the logic of the manga Sanji literally Kept up with Zorro's elite training from the world's greatest swordsman by... being chased around an island by drag queens. Sanji...
I mean I think they both came out winners lol
Zoro fans: He's included in the rooftop scene, pretty obviously showing how he's the Strawhat's #2, soundly beats a YC1
Sanji fans: Raid suit powerup+latent genes powerup, beats a YC2 who imo is basically equal to YC1 (in this case Queen=King)
I really liked Yamato during Wano, I thought he was one of the most interesting new characters in wano. I feel like his dynamic would be really good with the Strawhat's. My only concerns with any new nakama (other than my beautiful boy Jinbei) is how much less panel time we'll get for the...
Alabasta has a huge amount of people, but no high tier fighters. So imo I wouldn't put them first. Of these ten I think Fishman Island is the MVP because of Shirahoshi (poseidon)
Seriously I feel like a lot of people hyperfocus on the "swordsman" designation way too much, probably due to the "if Shanks uses a sword and Mihawk is the WSS does that mean Mihawk>Shanks" thing. But yea Law is definitely a swordsman, almost all his attacks uses his sword, it's not just a prop...
I always saw him as BB's right hand man, wouldnt be surprised to see him get a powerup via devil fruit, for him to be a EoS matchup (with Sanji which has been the popular theory forever) it will probably be some kind of legendary zoan, but a bear or rhino type seems to fit his character.
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